Chapter 19

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I stepped out of the door slowly and hesitantly, not really ready to face my father

I closed the car door and walked across the overgrown brown grass

I lift my hand up ready to knock on the peeling grey door but just as I was about too the door swings open and a gush of wind hits my face making me blink suddenly

He smiles at me warmly only to make me feel uncontrollably uncomfortable

"I didn't expect you to turn up here" he said

"Well you obviously did if you opened the door just before I knocked!" I snapped even though I know I shouldn't have

I take a deep breath and inhale the nature around me to calm my nerves. I know I shouldn't have snapped at him like that. I came here to talk things through and I've already messed things up.

"Sorry" I reply apologetically

"It's okay, I understand. It must be hard for you to be here" he says while looking at me through his saddened eyes

"Mmm" I say unsure of what to say

He steps away and I slowly make my way into his wooden dusty house. I take in my surroundings and see and old television set, a few bits of furniture and ornaments. It looks like this place hasn't been cleaned in years!

He walks me into the kitchen and asks if I want a cup of tea but I say no seeing as I'm not wanting to stay long. I just want to know why he left me and my mother for all these wondering years.

While he makes himself a cup of tea I look around the room looking at the walls and realising that there's old newspapers stuck on the wall. I walk up to the walls to examine the newspapers more closely and realise there's pictures of me in them from my primary school photos and soccer team photos

I gasp realising that he actually has photos of me on his walls! Why would he want to have photos of me when he was the one that left me behind, I always thought he didn't like us and that he couldn't put up with us so that's why he left.

I stare at the pictures confused until I hear someone clearing their throat around me.

I spin around to see my 'father' looking straight through my eyes making me feel uneasy

I can't believe I'm actually at his house, let alone inside his house and talking to my 'father' face to face.

"Um.. Why are their pictures of me on your walls" I ask stuttering

"Cause I've been trying to find you"


"What?" I repeat out loud

"Sit down and I'll explain" he points to the chair opposite of him on the small, half broken table

"Okay" I say ready for him to actually explain this time instead of me exploding at him

I sit down at the table and look at him

I realise we have the same brown, almond shaped eyes and the same coloured hair. I always wondered where my brown coloured eyes and hair came from and I finally know where. My mum always had blonde hair and blue eyes and she would never tell me where I got my colours from.

"Alright let's start from the beginning" he says.

I nod not really ready for him to start explaining what happened during all these years even though I've always wanted to know since the day I found out he left. My stomach starts doing flips and my palms start to sweat when he starts to speak. I'm so scared.

"This won't be easy to tell you Stacey, but Angeli, your mum, is not who you think she is"

Oh god

He places his hand on mine

"Stacey, you're adopted"


O M G!!

Thanks for reading! Hoped you liked this chapter! xx

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