Chapter 3

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(Stan Pov)

I sat down next to Clyde who smiled at me "hippie what's so wrong with sitting by me!" Cartman hissed out flipping me off I ignored him, he's getting on my nerves today. "ok students are we all here?" the teacher asked I raised my hand shaking my head for a no.

Not long after Craig and Kenny came in chuckling and Kyle was soon after them sitting next to Token, I smiled at Kyle seeing his cheeks turn red is he sick? Maybe I should ask him after class I thought.

"Tweek can you read the chapter that we are on" the teacher said passing everyone a book each, I groaned when he passes it to me glaring "don't complain if you don't want to be here then leave" he told me which only made me smile and open the book.

listening to Tweek talk I looked next to me hearing snoring... Clyde's face was hiding behind his book I couldn't help but look over to see him sleeping! I could hear him snoring a tiny bit, I felt my cheeks turn pink seeing how cute he is like this without being so loud.

I soon felt a tap behind me to see Craig who was looking at Clyde and than back at me, "he's smart I might do that" he whispered putting the book where Clyde has his and I watched as he slowly got relaxed.

"Do you mind?" Craig asked with a grin, I blushed and turned around to look at Tweek as he finishes the chapter "d-did I do good?" he asked nervous the teacher nodded pointing at Kyle next who stood up and started off on the spot.

I chuckled seeing Kyle grin at me from the side, I slowly closed my eyes hearing Kyle's voice feeling relaxed, I didn't know how long I had my eyes closed for but when I open them I was face to face with an angry Kyle.

"You fell asleep when I was reading, am I that boring that I make you fall asleep!" Kyle said offended. I was stunned tumbling out of my chair "K-Kyle I'm sorry!" I panicked looking around the room to see almost everyone had left "you have to do what I did silly" Clyde said winking while sticking out his tongue.

"Marsh you're a bad boyfriend" Cartman said shaking his head I felt my cheeks turn bright red "he's not my boyfriend and I'm not a bad boyfriend!" I yelled pushing him out of my way, as I marched down the hall pasting everybody I felt my shoulder get grabbed making me turn around I was face to face with Kyle.

It seemed like he had tears in his eyes "S-Stan I'm sorry I was just joking" he whispered upset I felt guilty to know I was the one who made him feel sad, "no I'm sorry I think I just need time alone" I admitted I was feeling so much feelings and I didn't understand most of them.

Why does Cartman think me and Kyle are going out, we're just super close but I wouldn't mind dating him... but I still find it wrong that I blush or stare at the other guys...

walking away I could feel Kyle's eyes not leaving my back until I was out the door, I felt the cold air hit my face I walked to the side of the school where the goth kids would hang out at.

(Kyle Pov)

I stared at the flour before moving Stan was the only thing in my thoughts, I didn't really want him to be alone right now but I can't stop him. "Kyle where's Stan?" Token's Voice asked I felt him put his hand on my shoulder as I turned around to face him.

"he's having alone time why?" I asked, Why would Token want to talk to him? Token smiled at me "it's just weird to see you alone" he responded I chuckled at him "yah it is" I replied waving at Token who was being dragged away by Clyde who was just complaining about being in school still.

walking over to my locker I could see another note poking out, "I'm getting sick of this note thing" I said to myself picking the note up.

meet me at the pond I need to tell you something –Stan

I blushed Stan wanted to speak with me? I smiled at the message forgetting about all my worries, I rushed out the school running to where the pond was. I wonder what he want to tell me...

As I got to the pond I sat down on the grass "where is he? am I to early?" I whispered I kept looking around remembering all the memories that me and Stan made together I was the only one here I guess I thought, sighing I lay down feeling the heat from the sun hit my face but soon replaced by a shadow.

I open my eyes but it seemed like I couldn't see their face "Stan?" I questioned confused the guy pulled out something from his pocket, I stared with terror kicking the guy away from me "who are you!" I shouted getting on my feet.

He was wearing all black and had a hood covering his hair and a mask covering his face but that didn't scare me... what really scare me that was he was holding a pocket knife and was chuckling...

I ran the other way fearing for my life but before I knew it I was facing the grass and having someone on my back, "Let me go!" I cried scared I could hear him mumble something but couldn't make out the words.

I felt like I was in a horror movie! "Help!" I scream terrified I felt his hand grab my neck putting his grip into it, I kept crying trying to be loud for anyone, anybody!

I felt a sharp pain on my back knowing he's playing a sick game with me, "Help!" I cried out he giggled as he cut my leg deeper I could feel my blood dripping to the grass. I didn't want this!

I pushed with all my muscle kicking him off me, I ran away sobbing "Come back here!" he screeched angry I kept running but the pain from my leg was kicking in, I was almost in the town when I felt him grab me pulling me into his chest.

"Kyle I warned you" he said in a serious tone I felt the knife on my neck as I felt him backing up with me back to the pond again... I kept sobbing feeling the blade cutting my skin...

"W-Why" I questioned I could only get a giggle from him as he made me stare out at the pond, "Stan belong to me... Jew" he hissed I felt the pain at my neck falling to the ground gabbing my neck trying to stop the blood, I could only see blood as everything was getting dark I was coughing and gagging trying to get air...

"S-S" I tried speaking laying down in my own blood I could only see the guy as he took his hood down...

I didn't believe my eyes, he was the one who did this but why? Isn't he one of our friends...?

He had a big grin as he watched my last moments giggling, I could see everything getting darker... the only person I could think of is Stan, how he's black hair and dark blue eyes are.

His smile whenever he teased me, I'm going to miss being with him. I felt the last air leave from my body as everything was gone the last thought I had was I love you...

(Please leave a comment about who you think the Yandere is!!)  

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