Chapter 24

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(Stan Pov)      

I kept giggling watching Kenny pose with a pink dress on, "you sure Token won't like this?" Kenny said bending over a bit with his hand on his butt. "d-dude your killing me!" I laughed out hearing Kenny chuckle, "I might just buy it and wear it when we go see Token, that would be my gift!" Kenny stated proud.

I couldn't breath right but after a while I pulled out my phone aiming at Kenny who grinned at me "want some pictures for your free time?" Kenny teased making me grin as he winked while posing more.

"ok I think I'm done let's go find Craig" Kenny mumble going back in the changing room making me sigh as I look into my bag, smiling at the picture of Token and Clyde that I took on my phone last year in an golden frame.

"hey Stan, Craig texted me awhile ago he wants us to meet him up  in the woods" Kenny called behind the changing curtain "ok, just hurry up then" I replied.

why is Craig by the woods?

wasn't he shopping with us?

Kenny walked out with the pink dress walking to the till, "Kenny please don't tell me your buying that" I said holding down a laugh. Kenny turned to me with a smirk "why don't you think I look hot in it?" he responded in a high pitch voice, I couldn't hold it anymore I burst out laughing.

Kenny chuckle "fine but next time you got to wear something for me" Kenny flirted winking leaving the dress on a chair as we left the shore, strolling down to the end of town I couldn't help but ask "why is Craig at the woods?" I question.

Kenny shook his shoulders pulling out his phone probably texting Craig, Kenny didn't reply for a long time but as we got closer to the trees Kenny started running fast without a word. I ran after confuse "Craig where are you!" Kenny shouted.

"Craig call my name!" Kenny called out again, "what's going on?" I asked worried. did something happen to Craig??

"something happen to Craig!" Kenny gasped out not looking back, "I'm r-right here!" Craig's voice called out I could hear a sob in the middle of his sentence. following Kenny I spotted Craig on the flour looking up at us, "Craig are you ok?" I question concerned.

Craig looked over at Kenny then back at me "h-he's already gone" Craig mumble out, "h-he l-left already?" I said feeling my voice shake. "I d-didn't even get to give him his gift" I whisper upset, Craig got up from the flour sighing as he walked over to me.

"I u-um spoke to him b-before he left" Craig muttered out I could see he's eyes were watering, "y-your lying" I whisper seeing Kenny shake his head disappointed "Craig I want to know what's going on, you made me worried, thinking someone hurt you or somebody died" Kenny stated.

Craig didn't move or speak as he stared down at his shoes "I'm not l-lying h-he really d-" before Craig could finish he burst out crying as he wrapped his arms around me, "I s-saw it all!" he sobbed out.

I looked over at Kenny as he shook his shoulders giving me a worried stare as he turned around going ahead to check around where Craig was, I rubbed his back hoping it was calming him down.

I've never really seen Craig cry like this before I think the only time I saw him cry was when his guinea pig  died, "explain Craig please" I whisper rocking him side to side as he did to me before.

I spotted Kenny walking back to us his face was pale and tears were running down his cheeks, "w-what happened?" I asked worried watching Kenny lean down a tree putting his face on his knees.

"S-Stan promise me that you won't check it out" Craig begged staring me in the eyes, I stared back at him. I wanted to check what was going on but I don't think Craig would feel better if I do...

"w-why I want to know what happen" I whisper "no you don't want to know" Kenny spoke out wiping his tears away, sighing I nodded my head "I want to speak with Kenny, could you head to school and I promise to tell you later today" Craig requested.

(Craig Pov)        

Stan slowly nodded sighing as he made his way back out of the woods, I turned to Kenny wiping my tears, "you do know Stan is going to be pissed at you for not telling him sooner" Kenny stated leaning on his knees.

"I know b-but Stan been through to much already" I responded, I don't even want to know what Stan would do if he saw Token like that...

"w-we should take him down" Kenny whisper looking over where Token's body was still hanging...

I shook my head "I c-can't" I whisper feeling myself shake "we have to tell the cops then!" Kenny hissed out annoyed, "you do it!" I said. I didn't want to go over to Token anymore after everything I saw, how he's eyes rolled backwards after he died...

I jumped hearing a branch breaking, Kenny turned to me confuse "you heard that to right?" he whisper as he was holding his phone. I slowly nodded looking around us not seeing anything, I felt eyes on us remembering the note...  

"Kenny I want to leave now" I whisper keeping my voice low, my eyes widen hoping Stan would be fine leaving alone. "but Token" Kenny stated confuse. he put his finger by his mouth shushing me as he spoke to the cops about Token.

I kept looking around worried "they're coming" Kenny said walking back to me, he stopped staring at something. "Craig there's someone there" he whisper not taking his eyes off whatever was behind me.

"it could be the killer!" I panicked feeling like Tweek whenever he's under pressure, "if it's the killer he won't do it when there's two right?" Kenny whisper hoping he was right. I sigh turning around waving my arms in the air "we see you bastard so you better just run before the cops come!" I shouted flipping whoever it was.

the guy ran off making me sigh as I leaned on Kenny's shoulder, "Craig got his balls back" Kenny mumble under his breath as he kept his eyes where the person were. now we just play the waiting game...

(Please leave a comment about who you think the Yandere is!!)        

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