Chapter 20

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  (Stan Pov)  

I rolled over bumping into something which wasn't the wall, I felt it move making me gently open my eyes seeing a shirt in my face. I felt my whole face go red am I in a bed with somebody!?

I kept staring at whoever chest it was watching it go up and down, I felt relief seeing I still had my clothes on. I slowly looked up seeing black hair and a sleeping Craig, I was stunned to see him so relax and so close to me.

I couldn't see the clock since I was in the middle between the wall and Craig trapping me, how the hell do I explain this? I shut my eyes feeling Craig move but soon felt his arm around me. I needed to get out of this before he wakes up...

I groaned in pain from trying to sit up slowly, I lay there holding my head "this sucks" I mumble hearing small snoring from Craig. that's it I had to wake him up "Tucker" I whisper earning him to groan annoyed "I'll skip" he responded tightening his grip around me.

I was so embarrassed feeling Craig breath right by me, "w-wake up!" I hissed gently pushing him. "fine I'm up" Craig replied sleepy letting go of me and stretching his arms out above him, "morning Marsh" he yawned out giving me a small smile before getting up.

I followed his lead but sat on the bed watching him put his hat on, I sigh remembering I gave my hat to Kyle last night. I felt tears welling up as the pain got worst probably because of the crying, I couldn't help but think about Kyle and Clyde.

"Stan?" Craig whisper coming closer to me taking my hand in his, "I know t his is hard but you can overcome this" he whisper opening his arms out for me. I leaped into his chest sobbing "it's not the s-same!" I sobbed out feeling Craig rub my back.

I felt like a crybaby making me think more about Clyde but I can't help but think he was braver than anyone I know... I could hear Craig humming bring me back to the real would, Craig's brave and Kenny almost everyone is but in their own little way.

I sigh in Craig's shoulder feeling a bit better for letting out the tears "I'm here for you Stan" Craig whisper keeping his voice low and soft, I nodded my head following him down the stairs to see Ruby on the sofa staring at us.

"Craig you forgot to tell your boyfriend's parents that he's staying over here last night" Ruby stated making me blush, Craig glared at her flipping her off "he's not my boyfriend!" he hissed out.

Ruby flipped him back making me chuckle a bit "so why did you share a bed together then eh?" she question smirking over at us. I couldn't really remember what happen last night but I was sure somebody kissed me...

was it Craig?

I looked over at Craig who wasn't looking over at his sister but kept his middle finger up in the air for her, "let's get going" he mumble pulling me with is other hand out the door. I felt my face heat up thinking about last night I could remember Kenny bringing me some beer cans and helped me feel better.

I was stupid thinking drinking was bad without it I don't think I wouldn't of made it through the night at the party, "h-hey Craig?" I question this is it, I needed to know if he was the one who kissed me or if he knew who did.

"yah Marsh?" he responded using my last name, "did s-someone kiss me last night?" I asked keeping my voice low. I felt stupid asking a stupid question but it was bothering me, Craig looked over at me confuse "I'm pretty sure nobody kissed you unless Kenny kissed you while you were getting drunk" he replied his eyes shown that he was angry making me sigh.

maybe Craig isn't the person to ask... I looked around us seeing Token walking over to school looking at the ground, he seems so lonely lately after Clyde died. "hey, Token over here!" I called seeing him look up over at us.

I rushed over to him hearing Craig mutter something but I couldn't really hear very well, "are you ok?" I asked worried. I felt more stupid for asking it of course he's not ok, he lost his best friend and hasn't been himself ever since.

Token chuckle at me "I'm fine I guess I'm just not having one of those mornings" he replied giving me a small smile "hey Craig" he added waving at Craig who made it to us, "hey, wanna walk with us?" Craig offered.

Token shook his head "not really go ahead I'm doing something before I go into class anyways" Token responded "what you doing?" I asked wanting to know more. "s-something for my Mom" Token said his voice cracked at the start but he could just be getting a cold. 

I nodded my head waving bye to him walking with Craig to the school building, "hey Marsh can you promise me to never drink again? it wasn't so nice seeing you drunk man" Craig asked looking over at me, "was I that bad?" I question confuse.

Craig didn't reply but waved at Butters who was waving to us from the doors, "Hippie!" a high pitch voice shouted making me jump. I turned to my side seeing Cartman with Kenny who seemed to be bored standing beside him, "he's butt hurt because he wasn't inviting to Kyle's funeral" Kenny muttered out sounding confuse.

"Fatass wanted to come?" Craig asked confuses staring at Cartman who stood there with his arms crossed "hey I might hate the Jew but I was still one of his friends when we were all younger! I saved his god dam life once!" Cartman shouted.

I haven't seen this side of him did he really save Kyle's life before?

I stood there thinking "yah but each time he almost died you saved him because you wanted something from him! and the one time he was dying by a sickness Stan had to steal one of your kidneys to keep Kyle alive!" Kenny hissed out looking angry.

Cartman glared at him "want to speak up poor boy?" Cartman hissed out going in Kenny's face who didn't move but glare back "you disgust me and I'm sure that Kyle and you were never friends" Kenny stated.

we all watched as Kenny and Cartman kept glaring hearing the bell ringing making me sigh "lets get to class Kenny!" I said grabbing Kenny's hood pulling him with me hearing Cartman curse under his breath.

(Please leave a comment about who you think the Yandere is!!)    

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