Chapter 28

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  (Stan Pov) 

 I stared at Craig stunned I wasn't sure how I should react to all of this, "please Stan" Craig whisper holding my hands in his. "h-how do you know all this?" I whisper staring into his eyes, Craig sigh sadly "Token left a note" he whispered making me stare at him confuse now.

Token left a note for Craig?

"what note?" I whisper Craig sigh again letting go of me "I was planning to tell you but everything just went down hill, I guess it's better to tell you now" Craig responded picking up a letter that was on a table side beside the kitchen door.

he passed me the note looking guilty "T-Token um killed himself but I really did try to stop him!" Craig said his voice was shaking, I scanned the letter feeling tears well up. reading it again I couldn't help but spot the part about a picture, "where's the picture?" I responded looking up at Craig again.

"I lost it" he whisper I sigh unhappy "Stan?" Craig whisper making me look at him again, "please run away with me, away from this sick town" he begged making my heart beat. is it right to run away? did I have anything left?

well I did have Tweek here still... Cartman I don't really care anymore after what he tried to do...

"I d-don't think I can" I responded I gasp feeling my shoulders get shoved to the wall by Craig, I stared deep into his dark blue eyes not seeing anymore emotions. "Stan I've tried being nice and I'm doing this to save your god dam life!" he shouted making me shake from the sudden change.

I yelp feeling myself being dragged out of the house as Craig rushed over to his Dad's car opening the back door and pushing me in, "w-wait you can't do this!" I said scared. "I'm doing this to help you Stan!" he responded hoping into the driving chair and locking the doors.

"Craig please think about this! what if this is all in your head!" I said trying to think on the not insane side, Craig turned around giving me a death stare "Stan did you really just say that? didn't you read the letter?! all those deaths! he shouted.

I slowly nodded shutting up and leaning back in the car chair putting on my seat belt looking out the window as Craig started the car, I gripped onto car door at how fast Craig went making me yell at him "Craig slow down!" I shouted feeling unsafe.

"the faster we get out of town the safer I drive" Craig responded his voice wasn't changing into his nice caring voice I've learnt to like but the old voice when we were kids that sounds like he didn't give a crap about anything.

as we turned the corner everything went slow as somebody ran across the road making Craig curse as he turn the steering wheel making us crash into a tree making everything go blurry, as I slowly open my eyes looking over at where Craig should be seeing he wasn't in his chair but through the Car window making me scream in horror as the blood dripped down his body.

I felt so much pain in my back and side as I cried while looking at Craig's body, I heard movement outside making me panic undoing my seat belt and tried to open the door seeing it was locked.

remembering Craig locked it I cursed under my breath looking at the back window seeing somebody in all black walking to the car as I sobbed from the fear I was feeling. "Stan..." a voice whisper making me cover my mouth as I climbed through the front of the car.

I couldn't see the person anymore but jumped seeing Craig move slowly while groaning in pain, he wasn't dead! "C-Craig p-please g-get up" I whisper hoping he could hear me and as if he did Craig slowly moved back to his chair looking at himself covered in blood.

"S-Stan y-you got to run I can't f-feel my body much" he whisper looking over at me, my eyes went big seeing his forehead has been cut open deep that his blood was covering half of his face...

"y-you can't stay here" he whisper coughing up blood, "C-Craig come w-with me" I begged holding Craig's hand "Stan I r-really love you a-and I've had feelings for you for ages" Craig muttered out staring over at me "b-but I want you to l-live your life" he added.

Craig reached for a button unlocking the doors "R-Run" he whisper before I could say another word Craig's car door was thrown open and Craig was dragged out giving me a small smile as I open my door and ran not looking back.

as I ran I kept crying hoping Craig would be ok... but that would be a dream...

while running I tripped over hitting the floor making me cough badly after I finished I looked down at the flour seeing I had coughed up blood...

"S-Stan?" a voice whisper making me freeze up as I slowly turned around seeing it was Cartman who was standing there confuse, I felt my body unfreeze wanting to getaway fast. "leave me alone!" I sobbed out pushing myself up and running away hearing Cartman run after me.

"Stan slow down you know I can't run!" he shouted but I didn't listen I can't trust him again!

after awhile I lost Cartman stopping in an ally way calming down, I didn't know what was real anymore...

I leaned on the wall sliding down it as I sat on the flour with my head in my knees as I sobbed, "S-Stan?" a voice whisper it was shaky yet I knew it so well... I slowly lifted up my head seeing Tweek in all black making my heart beat faster knowing very well what was happening...

Tweek Tweak is the killer that killed all our friends...

"I d-didn't want to k-kill them y-you got to believe me!" he cried out before I could speak Tweek fell to the ground gripping his hair yelping in pain as tears ran down his cheeks, after he stopped pulling his hair he slowly looked over at me grinning.

"don't listen to hi- I mean me" Tweek mumble walking over to me as I backed away from him, "d-don't go near me!" I yelled seeing Tweek who still had tears running down his cheeks yet grinning like a mad man.

what the hell is going on!?

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