Chapter 14

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(Stan Pov)

I waved bye to the guys but Kenny who was walking me back home, "you don't have to do this, you know?" I muttered out. Kenny grinned at me "but leaving you means less time" he flirted winking.

I sigh was he not listening to me or Clyde? "Very sweet but I'm taken" I responded sticking out my tongue I heard him chuckle beside me, "so why do you like Clyde in that way?" Kenny asked looking up at the sky.

The sun was setting making the sky look orange, "because he's really sweet and caring and well he makes me happy" I responded.

I really didn't know what to say this was my first time dating a boy, I felt Kenny grab my hand "Stan" he started but stopped staring into my eyes "I'm happy for you" he replied hugging me.

Kenny pulled away from the small hug and walked me back home, "thanks" I said Kenny waved and walked away.

(Kenny Pov)

"I'm so stupid" I chuckled out, he's taken I have to move on, I kept walking feeling more colder as I was walking I could see a shadow going into the ally I felt like I shouldn't of seen it but I couldn't help it.

I slowly walked over to the ally peeking around, I could see two shadows "I did what you said now can I be left alone?" a voice said it sounded scared... I heard a chuckle "yah you did your job but he's still alive" the other boy said with hate.

I watched as the guy pulled out a pocket knife "if you don't kill him then I'll just have to kill you" the guy mumbled out pushing the other one to the wall with the pocket knife to his neck, my eyes were wide but I couldn't see any of their faces!

If I got closer I would get seen, "y-ya b-but I did what you said, I don't even know who you are?" the boy seemed to be scared to death.

I leaned closer only to hear a chuckle "that would ruin the fun" he whispered I watched as he stuck the blade into the other guy's arm hearing a loud scream which the other stopped by shoving his arm into the guy's mouth.

"are you going to be a good little boy and do your job?" the boy said turning the knife around inside the other male, I felt myself wanting to throw up but kept it down the boy nodded screaming in the other's arm in pain.

"now don't make me regret letting you go" the guy with the blade said pulling it out and walking away, the other guy fell to the ground holding his arm sobbing. "s-sorry I'm so s-sorry" he muttered out to himself, I knew I needed to leave before I was spotted.

I slowly backed up choosing to leave if the guy was in pain he would have called somebody for help, I walked back to my house texting Craig I needed somebody to know what just happened and I knew for sure Craig wouldn't tell a soul.

(Stan Pov)

I yawned waking up looking at the time I could see that I'm early smiling I got dressed walking downstairs grabbing an apple, while walking to the bus stop I could see Cartman who was on his phone "where's Kenny?" I asked making him look up from his phone.

"knowing him he's dead somewhere" Cartman spat out glaring at him I sigh seeing Butters walking over to us "h-hey guys!" he said in his joyful voice, "hey Butters didn't know you lived so close to us" I said earning a giggle "yah my house is just there" he responded pointing over to a brown house with the red sign with the words saying sold.

"How did I not see that?" I questioned confused "oh gosh I'm not sure" Butter whispered I playful punched his arm earning a yelp of pain, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" I said regretting touching him.

"It's f-fine I'm just not use to people um punching me in a nice way" Butter said tailing off, staring at him confuse Cartman gasped making us both turn around to see what happened.

"You kissed Cry baby!" Cartman shouted pushing Butters out the way, I almost forgot he didn't find out the other day I slowly nodded seeing Cartman rise his hand turning it into a fist. I closed my eyes fearing for the punch but it never came, opening them to see Kenny was holding Cartman's hand with a glare.

"were you about to punch him" he muttered out glaring at Cartman, "he deserves it!" he shouted using his other hand to punch Kenny in the face knocking him on the flour. I didn't know what I did wrong why the hell is Cartman angry with me?

Kenny groaned holding his cheek "you think a punch will keep me down?" he questioned earning Cartman to glare at him "I can do worst and we all know that" he said showing an creepy grin, Butters stared at me with panic "guys the bus is going to come soon just stop fighting!" I shouted mostly I wanted to make sure Butters was back to being happy.

I watched as Kenny ran at Cartman knocking both of them to the snow, I had to stop this! I rushed over to them pulling Kenny off Cartman and throwing him on the other side going in the middle.

"Stop!" I shouted Kenny stared at me while Cartman was glaring, "no one should be fighting yes I did kiss Clyde and I'm happy about that!" I said looking over at Cartman to see him looking down.

"And Kenny thank you for caring about me but I don't want you fighting and getting hurt because of me" I finished making Kenny look down with shame.

"guys the bus is coming" Butters whispered making me smile, hopping into the bus I could see Butters sitting alone and Craig was at the back with Kenny who was whispering to him while Token was sitting next to Tweek who was looking at everyone with a small smile.

I didn't know where to sit but slowly walked over to where everybody were I could sit next to Butters or I could join Token and Tweek, I don't think Craig and Kenny would be happy knowing their talking about something already.

I sat down next to Butters who grinned "hey Stan what do you like the most?" he asked me making small talk, "I like animals" I chuckled out "me to!" Butters said showing me a picture of his hamster.

"awe he's so cute" I admitted Butters smiled at me I looked around the bus to see Cartman had sat alone looking out the window I kinda felt bad but yet he deserves to feel upset. As the bus got to school we all rushed to class me being me I sat by Butters who was already doodling.

"hey Marsh you going to see Clyde today?" Craig questioned I nodded my head finding my pencil "what happened to you?" Kenny asked looking over to see Kenny speaking with Token who kept his head low on his desk, "nothing happen to me" Token muttered out.

Kenny rolled his eyes at Token "you look sleepy like you haven't slept" Kenny pointed out, looking closer I could see that indeed Token didn't seem awake today. "I'm fine just leave me alone" Token said glaring at Kenny who got closer with to his face.

Token seemed to be in a bad mood and I wasn't so sure if Kenny should push his luck but knowing him he would... Kenny grinned "tell me what happen the other night with you" he said making Token stand up, "if you take a step closer to me I'll make you regret it" Token muttered out.

 I felt worried a bit so I walked over to them "what's going on?" I asked Kenny grinned waving while Token looked away "I just wanted to see what Token was doing last night" Kenny admitted, I didn't see what was wrong with that so I just turned to Token confuse.

"nothing happen I just didn't sleep well" he muttered out crossing his arms but soon changed them to be by his sides, "Kenny maybe leave Token for a bit" I muttered out which Kenny just groaned and sat in his chair.

walking back to my chair I looked around the room, I could see that Craig was wearing mostly black today instead of blue, weird? he kinda look really ho.. I mean nice, Token was wearing a hoodie today which was really weird because he always gets to warm and Tweek had that same jacket again but everyone else is wearing what they had the other day.

"Ok Students we're reading the next chapter" the teacher said passing everyone their book, I grinned turning to my left "K-" I stopped with wide eyes. Cartman grinned at me "missing the Jew Hippie?" he chuckled out why did I really think Kyle was right next to me? I had tears in my eyes but turned around feeling a hand on my back "i-it's ok" Tweek whispered.

(Please leave a comment about who you think the Yandere is!!)      

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