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Frank requested everyone but Thalia and Will to leave once he returned with a seemingly petrified 'bother-from-another-mother' as he called Chris, except that he was taller. And much more handsome.

Leo found Jason and Piper and they walked towards strawberry fields.

"The original trio! What should we call ourselves?" Leo asked his friends, who only sighed at him.

"Maybe the Lesonper? Or Leopipson? Actually, let's do the surnames. Valmcgrace. That's a super weird one..."

"I think merging our names together itself is weird." Piper scoffed. "Also, why is your name always first?"

"Because I am the most important one here. Duh." Leo smirked, pointing to himself. 

"Mmmm debatable." Jason tells Leo, elbowing into him. Leo huffed back, not showing how much that actually hurt him.

"Whatever. Before I blast you into the atmosphere with my godly fire powers." Leo grinned, showing off little flicks of fire between his fingers.

"And I can blast a lightning bolt on you whilst flying away laughing?" Jason responded, levitating a little to show his point.

"You boys do realise I can just talk you two into jumping off a cliff?" Piper told them, batting her curled, dark eyelashes.

"You win." Jason and Leo said simultaneously.

The three walked to the strawberry fields, laughing and talking. When they got there, they laid down a blanket Leo somehow got from his toolbelt  (always needed to be prepared for long naps during Mr D meetings) and sat down. If they weren't throwing strawberries at each other, they'd be snacking on them and planning the future.

"You know what I'd love to do?" Leo told the couple. "Plan a road trip. Us seven, plus Reyna, Nico, Will and Calypso."

"That would be so good." Piper agreed, popping a strawberry in her mouth. "Except, monsters will come from all different directions."

"I'm sure 10 demigods and a mortal titan who's father is one of the most powerful titans could defend ourselves." Jason told the two. "Then, after, we could all move to New Rome."

"So we'd retire?" Leo gimmicked.

"Yeah. Don't you want a break for once? We can go to camp quickly if anyone needs help, but we'd finally get the break we deserve. Also, aren't we basically experts at what we do?"

"We'll never be experts," Piper corrected Jason, "but we are damn good at it."

"Well, then, it's settled. We ask the gang if we're travelling around and then going back to New Rome afterwards. That sounds like a dream that can never come true, but we can pray." Leo said, fiddling with the edges of the sliver woven blanket.

"I think us communicating with the Gods aren't going to let us have a break." Jason laughed.

Leo turned his head and heard a voice from afar.


It seemed that Jason and Piper heard it too, as they turned around towards the voice as well.

"It sounds like... Annabeth?" Leo thought aloud.

The three got to work. Piper drew her knife and led the boys towards the voice. A tuff of golden hair peeked out from the bushes.

"There she is." Piper whispered.

"Wait." Leo told them. He had a feeling she wasn't in trouble.

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