What happened?

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I awake to my brain pounding against my skull. After a good 10 minutes my eyes finally decide to open.

Where am I?

My eyes scan the miniature bedroom with one huge window, drawers, and a brown desk. I try to get up but an arm is pinning me in place. Slowly, I rotate my head to see none other than shirtless, Nash Grier.

"Oh god." I mutter.

I carefully lift the blankets to see he's still in his boxers. Before I can do anything else, he stirs next to me.

I quickly regain the same position. His arm tightens and pulls me close.

"Morning gorgeous." He whispers faintly while kissing the back of my neck.

My whole body relaxes at his touch and the familiar butterflies come back.

"I'd never tell you when you're awake but," He whispers so quiet I have to strain my ears to hear.

"When I didn't have you, I wanted you. Now that I have you, I need you."

My heart melts and a blush creeps onto my cheeks.

He kisses down my arm before falling back asleep.

I lay, pondering what he meant. He needs me?

Did he know I was awake so he said that to trick me?

I don't know.

I want to stand up, but I feel so safe and secure in his arms. Instead, I fall back into black unconsciousness.


When I wake up for the second time my memories come flooding back. My head still hurts and the window is suddenly too bright.

"Damn, hangovers are bitches." I stretch my arms to find, no Nash.

Well okay then.

I slowly stand up from the bed and my head spins rapidly. I make my way to the door and creak it open. Slowly I make my way down the hallway of Shawn's house to find Nash, Shawn, a little girl, and Cam in the living room. None of them notice me so I creep to the door and make my way out, cringing as it slams loudly behind me.

"Shit." I curse under my breath.

"Malia?" Nash calls from behind me.

I turn and put on a fake smile. "Hi, Nash."

"We're you trying to leave?" He narrows his eyes at me accusingly.

"What if I was?" I reply, crossing my arms.

"Well if you were, I'd tell you to stop, because we need to talk." He smirks.

"Well it can wait, my head hurts like hell and my mom's probably worried." I shrug him off and walk to my Jeep.


I turn to face him.

"I'll be at your house in an hour." He decides and closes the door before I can respond.

"Okay then." I mutter to myself before getting in my car and driving home.


At my house I begin by scrubbing away the alcohol smell in my bathroom, and brushing my hair. Then I put on a maroon cable knit sweater, black jeans, and brown combat boots. My hair gets french braided and secured with a maroon bow at the end.

"Where are you going?" My brother asks from the door frame.

"No where, Nash is coming over." I state while getting my phone.

"Woah, woah, woah, Nash? I thought you hated him?" He intrigues.

"I did." I shrug. "But then I got to know him."

"He's no better when you 'get to know him' trust me." He says. "He's gonna use you. Just like he uses every other girl."

"Are you done?" I glare at him.

"Look, all I'm saying is be careful." He comes up to me and wraps his arms around me in a hug. "I love you, lil sis, I don't want you hurt."

I sigh and bury my head in his chest. "I know I love you too."

"Good, now if he does anything, call me and I'll whoop his ass." He says and we laugh.

"Will do." I give a thumbs-up and walk down the stairs to the door. The door swings closed as I lean on the railing.

"Hey, Malia!" Matt yells from his porch bench.

"Oh, hey Matt! Whats up?" I ask walking up to him.

"Not much just chilling, care to join?" His brown eyes shine as he speaks.

"I'd love to but Nash will be here in 5." I say while sitting next to him.

"Oh, Nash huh?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Shut up." I hit his arm playfully.

"Anyways, so how was last night for you?"

I explain everything that happened.

"Wow." He laughs. "Thats some serious shit."

"Right?" I sigh and lean back.

"Well I can help if you want?" He smirks, dangerously

"What are you planning, Espinosa?" I smirk back.

"Just come on." He prompts and we walk inside his house.

Matt rummages around in the cabinets next to his TV. Soon he pulls out a DVD case and holds it up for me to see.

"Oh my god! Teen Wolf?!" I squeal jumping up and down.

"Yup." He smiles big and puts it in the player.


Half an episode later me and Matt are sitting on the couch. His arm slung over my shoulders and my legs over his legs. It gets to the part in the suicide hotel where Lydia see's the pattern of screaming people on the walls and I flinch. I've always hated this part.

"Aye, calm down." Matt laughs and wraps his other arm around my waist.

"I ha--"

"Hate this part, I know." He cuts me off and fast forwards it.

"Thanks." I rest my head on his shoulder.

"No prob-"

"What the hell?!" Nash barges through the door.

"Nash!" I jump up. "What are you . . ." Realization hits me like an 18 wheeler. "Oh my god I forgot I'm sorry I-"

"Sorry?! About what?! That you ditched me and cuddled with Matt instead?!" He yells.

"Nash I forgot I'm sorry." I repeat.

"Yeah well sorry doesn't help." He glares at us both before storming back to his car.

"Nash! Stop!" I run after him. "Nash wait!" I grab his arm and he whips around.

"What?!" He screams.

I jump back. "Jesus, Nash! I know I messed up but your acting like I just killed someone!"

"I'm sorry, how would you act if I ditched you to go snuggle with someone else? Huh?" Nash demands.

"Well, you did ditch me to go make-out with someone before." I counter. "Two someones actually."

"That was different." He says.

"Oh yeah, how?" I cross my arms defiantly.

"We weren't scheduled to meet to discuss something really important." He argues.

"What we did when we were both drunk doesn't qualify as 'really important', Nash." I state.

"What if that wasn't what I was going to talk about?"

I widen my eyes. "What else is there to talk about?"

"Well, I was going to ask you something." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I was going to ask you . . . If you'd be my girlfriend."

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