The Date

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"Get in we're going to the movies!"

All I can do is stand in shock. "Excuse me?"

"You want me to prove you're special to me? Get in the car." He points to the passenger seat.

"Uh, okay." I hesitantly hop in. He immediately speeds off to the nearest theatre.

"What movie are we seeing?" I ask after a long silence.

"I was thinking the Fault in our Stars?" He suggests.

"Thats great if you want me to cry my eyes out." I say sarcastically.

"You've seen it already?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and read the book. John Green sure knows how to make a girl want to kill herself." I remark.

He lets out a light chuckle. "I'll go get a gun then."

"Wow." I roll my eyes. "Really feeling special."

He laughs again. "Don't worry I'll be here if you cry."

The softness and vulnerability in his voice shocks me. How can someone so sweet be a total douche bag all the time?

We pull up and he opens my door for me.

"Thanks." I mutter.

"No problem, princess." He smiles.

This kid is the most confusing person in the world.


We get into the movie and he pays for everything no matter how much I refuse.

"Nash I can pay! I have money!" I argue.

"Nope. Pretty girls don't pay for anything. Sorry, I didn't make the rules." He shrugs and we laugh.


Halfway through the movie I'm a wreck. The feels are just too much. I begin sobbing into my knees but Nash puts up the armrest.

"Come here," he whispers while taking me in his arms. "It's okay, it's just a movie, bae."

"But Augustus-" I sob harder.

"Sh," he rubs circles in my back. "It's okay. It's okay."

I willingly curl up in his arms. Tingles shoot up and down my body. A small smile plays across my lips. Since when was Nash this gentle? My heart pounds harder against my chest and I feel his speed up as well. The rest of the movie I don't cry, how can I when I feel so secure in his arms? Once its finished we sit throughout the credits enjoying each others warmth.

"Malia..." His voice trails off.

"Yeah?" I look up at him.

"You know we can't be seen together at school right?" He asks.

"Why not?" I sit up slightly

"Well because you have a boyfriend...." His eyes fill with sadness.

"Oh right." I suddenly feel guilty about having a boyfriend, which is stupid.

" don't really fit my image." He refuses to meet my gaze.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're just not my t-type."

"Not your type?" I immediately stand up. "Not your type?!" I repeat louder. "Unbelievable." I shake my head and storm out of the theatre.

"Malia wait." He chases after me.

I stomp onto the sidewalk outside of the theatre without looking back.

"Malia please, wait!" He grabs my arm.

"What?!" I snap with all the annoyance and anger I can.

He flinches back. "Uh you need a ride home." He murmurs slightly louder than a whisper.

"I'd much rather walk." I turn back to the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly after me.

"About what? Not wanting to be seen with me? What is it about me you don't like, huh? Am I not enough of a slut for you?!" I yell not caring if people stared.

"Whats that supposed to mean?!" He fires back.

"You know exactly what I mean! You flirt with anything that has a heartbeat! And you know what I'm glad I'm NOT dating you! Because I'd probably have to wear a billboard, on my head, just to keep your attention!" I scream.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a little virgin it would be easier for me to be seen with you! You and Noah really are perfect for each other! But at least Noah didn't cheat on YOU!" He smirks at my shocked expression.

"You wouldn't dare." My voice suddenly deathly low.

"Try me babe! I've got nothing to lose! You, however, have a lot!" He smirks.

"Its like you can turn it on and off!" I muse at the sudden change in character.

"What do you mean?"

"One second you're an arrogant, bastard ,that makes me want to pull out my hair." I pause. "Then the next your this sweet, gentle, caring person that's actually pleasant to be around."

His brows knit together. "And you like the vulnerable loser better?"

"Hell yeah I do." I bite my lip subconsciously.

"Don't do that." His face immediately tenses.

"Do what?" I bite my lip again.

"The lip bite. Its not helping." He frowns.

"Oh." I look at my feet.

"Look I'm sorry if you're upset, but you're dating someone and I have the player image I have to uphold." He shrugs but the remorse shows in his eyes. "It might be better for everyone if we just stop this -whatever this is."

"Yeah," I nod absently.

"It'll be okay." He tilts my face up. "We'll be okay."

I couldn't help it I grabbed his neck and slammed my lips to his. A million butterflies erupted in my stomach. This never gets old. He wraps his arms around my waist and leans further into the kiss. When we pull away I see the lust and sadness in his eyes.

"I'm gonna miss that." He whispers breathlessly.

I look at his lips for a second before nodding. "Yeah, me too."

And with that I walk down the sidewalk to begin the 20 minute walk to my house. Leaving behind the boy who successfully stole my heart in two days.

"This whole thing was a mistake." I say under my breath. "A terrible mistake."


I keep making these chapters so bipolar. They start out all happy then turn out depressing. Oops? Anywhosies new chapter tomorrow! Love ya'll!

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