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1 year later

I wake up to my alarm blaring. I turn it off and hop in the shower. Then I curl my blonde tipped hair and put on a maroon jumper, maroon vans and black jeans. Then I head to school.

"Malia! Wait!" My mom calls excitedly and grabs my arm.

"Yeah?" I ask turning around.

"Your dad's boss just hired some men over here and is asking us to move back to North Carolina to oversee things!" She claps and smiles wide. "The old manager was fired and he wants Dad to work for DOUBLE the pay! Isn't that amazing!?"

My jaw drops,"That's great! Mom I can't wait! When?"

"By next week so today is your last day at school." She kisses my cheek and sends me off to Pennyboard to school.

I decide not to tell anyone so it's a surprise but I'm bursting on the inside.

Truth be told I didn't really start a new life here. I have a boyfriend Zach who I couldn't care less about. The only people I'll miss are my friends Raven and Tina but we can face time.


We're currently getting out of the car and back to my old life. Back up the familiar steps to my old house, with the key I knew so well and back up to my re-furnished room.

I plop onto the new kingsized bed and smile to myself.

"I'm home." I tell the ceiling. "Finally."


Today is my first day back and I'm not making a splash I'm making a fucking Tsunami.

I curl my hair and apply concealer, eyeliner, and gold eyeshadow. I put on my favorite dress with a gold halter and a black skirt, a gold necklace, and black converse. My mom offered me a ride so I jump in her car and we head back to my old school.

As soon as she rolls up I double check myself in the mirror. Making sure everything looks perfect before jumping out and walking to the office.

All eyes are on me and I hear various whispers. Suddenly I lock eyes with chocolate ones.

"MALIA!" Matt screams and picks me up in a hug.

"MATT! OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU LOSER!" I yell and hug him back.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?!" He whines.

"I wanted to surprise my best friend!" I beam back at him until a girl with fake, all most white, blonde hair and crystal blue eyes appears next to him.

"Matty! Who's this?" She chirps.

"Oh, uh, Kristin this is Malia," he says awkwardly. "She uh moved to Canada last year and now she's back."

"Oh." Her eyes scan me up and down. "So this is the girl you were so sad about."

"Aw Matt you were sad?" I pout and grab his hand.


"Yeah he was," she smirks, "but then I came and he was fine! I guess you coulc call me your replacement."


My face heats up and I glare at her.

"Well now that I'm back I guess we don't need the substitute anymore."

"Listen here you little b-"

"Kristen, Malia please, you're both my friends." He pleads.

"But I'm your only best friend." She declares.

"Oh pipe down goldielocks," I spit and she rolls her eyes. "I've been here a lot longer than you."

"Malia." He warns.

"Yeah, until you LEFT."

"GUYS!" Matt yells and we both turn to him. "I don't want my two mains fighting!" He puts an arm around both of us and squeezes.

"Fine." We huff in unison.

I lock eyes with a pair of electric blue ones and they get closer. They're wide with astonishment and my face melts into a smirk.

Nash walks about 10 feet in front of us and then stops we have a staring contest until fake blonde hair blocks my view.

"Babe!" She chirps and places her lips on his.

I repeat.


Oh hell no.

He kisses back and they share a cheeky smile.

"Hey Nash," Matt breaks the tension. "Look who's back."

His eyes rake over me. "Hey Malia."

I shiver slightly, I dreamed of him saying my name every night. "Hi."

He looks at me with hurt and anger before turning to Kristin and grabbing her hand.

"How are you baby?" He asks kissing her cheek.

"Great," she giggles and then kisses his cheek.

My stomach turns and I immediately want to cry but I don't.

"C'mon Matty," I turn and grab his hand. "Let's go get my schedule, and leave these lovebirds."

He nods and we quickly walk away, as i head down the hallway I feel Nash's stare on my back.

Oh it's great to be home.

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