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My brows draw together in confusion as he jogs to catch up with me.

"Hey I was just wondering if you were okay." He says slightly out of breath.

"Since when did you care if I was okay?" I ask.

"You didn't answer the question." He reminds me.

"Oh, well I am fine, just a little upset." I admit, he continues walking next to me as we near the garden.

"Look, Noah's a nice guy, I doubt he was trying to make you jealous." Shawn reasons.

"I know, I just don't like it when he does that."

"He's done it before?"

"Kinda, he's just so nice sometimes he doesn't know when to tell girls to back up."

"And you haven't talked to him about it?"

"I want to, but I don't want to seem clingy or overprotective."

"Well if you can't talk to him then why are you still dating him?"

That question hit me like a brick wall. Why am I still dating Noah?

"I guess I've never thought about that." I admit.

"About what? Breaking up with him?" Shawn asks.

"Yeah," I nod slowly. "He's so caring and being with him makes me happy. But I've never felt anything with him."

"What do you mean?" He intrigues.

"Like, fireworks or electricity. You know?"

"I don't. I've never felt that with anyone." He shrugs.

"Me neither," I agree.

We plunge into awkward silence for a few seconds before he talks again.

"So are you gonna break up with him?" Shawn asks. "If you're afraid of being single I know someone you can date."



My eyes go huge. "Are you kidding me? There is no way, NO WAY, I'm dating someone so self-absorbed and just plain rude as him!"

"Come on, its pretty obvious he likes you." He begs. He likes me? What am I saying he's "liked" the whole female population of this school.

"Is it also obvious that I really DON'T like him?!" I yell.

"Just think about it for a second." Shawn grabs my shoulders. "One kiss."

"No!" I jump back. "Are you out of your mind?!"

"One kiss! And if you don't like it you can cut it off!"

"And if I do like it?"

He looks at me like its obvious. "Then you date him."

"So he can just have sex with me and dump me for the next barbie? Uh I think not!" I turn on my heel and walk the other way.

"Just think about it!" Shawn yells after me.

No. There is no way I'm kissing Nash.

I have Noah. All I need is Noah.

The rest of the school day whips by. I avoid everyone especially Noah, Nash and Shawn. Until the dreaded detention, with Nash.

I walk into the library and sit on a chair at the table closest to the front. Nash chooses a seat in the very back.

Thank Jesus.

Then the steady stream of trouble makers enters the library. The librarian gives us each some ground rules.

1) no talking

2) no phones

3) no touching

4) no fun

When she's finally done she locks the door and leaves to go God knows where.

The first 15 minutes I drift off and zone out until I feel a hand on my upper thy.

Guess God doesn't love me after all.

I turn to see some boy I don't know.

Wow, I thought for sure that was Nash.

He has brown hair and black looking brown eyes. He looks like a freshman maybe a sophomore.

"Can I help you?" I swat his hand off my thy.

"That depends can I have your number." He smirks.

This boy thinks he's the smoothest bitch of them all.

"No but you can remove your hand and back the fuck up." I dig my nails into his wrist as I take it off my thy.

"Damn you're a feisty one aren't you." He leans closer.

"Yes I am, and I'm gonna give you one last chance to-"

He interrupts me by stuffing his face into mine.

Before I can push him off he's ripped off me by a red-faced Nash.

"Touch her one more time and I rip off both of your arms." Nash threatens, his face taunt with anger.

The boy's face is now white and he nods really fast."Got it."

Nash lets go and the boy dashes the back of the class room.

I'm just left to stare at Nash. Why the fuck did he just do that? He's never done that to any other girl that I've seen.

"What the-?" I ask.

"Uh you're welcome." Nash wipes his hands on his jeans and goes back to his seat.

What the hell was that about? One second he cares and the next he's back to his old douche-y self. I slump in my seat as the hour goes by.

"Okay you're free to go." The librarian unlocks the door and ushers us outside.

"Uh, Mrs. Simmons, I have a half hour left." I say.

"You'll make it up tomorrow." She just waves me off.

"Okay thanks."

I follow everyone outside and walk grab my penny board from my locker. As I'm heading out of the school I see Nash walking to his car.

"Hey Nash wait!" I yell running up to him.

He turns around and gives me an annoyed look.

"What do you want?" He asks a little harshly.

"Uh, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me." I scratch the back of my neck.

"You're welcome." He says expressionless.

"Um- why did you do that?" I ask awkwardly.

"We'll because he shouldn't of kissed you." He shrugs.

"Yeah but why do you care? You never did before."

"Look if it bothers you so much next time I won't help you." He turns around but I grab his wrist. Tingles shoot up my arm and he stops.

"It doesn't bother me, it was a terrible kiss anyways." I admit.

"Well kisses usually don't feel like that." He turns to me and takes a step closer.

"I know, but it was really bad, I can still feel his grimy lips on mine." I shudder.

"I can help with that." Nash says. Before I know whats going on he's kissing me and my whole body is exploding into fireworks.

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