Chapter 12

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You cockily waved to the blue blur, who smiled and ran up to hug you. Arms wrapped around your frame in a loving manner and a head made it's way to the crook of your neck. "(Y/N), I missed you." The blue hedgehog whispered into your ear.

You smiled and looked up at everyone else. Gadget and Rouge fawned over the two of you. Silver and Knuckles tried to keep a straight face, but their proud smile failed them. Shadow huffed and looked away, sounding annoyed and jealous. While Amy seemed to be fuming at the sight.

Classic tilted his head to the side, confused by the action of his modern counterpart. Noticing this, Tails only said, "You'll learn when you get older." And that's when Classic nodded in understanding.

"Alright, it's time to get back to work." Knuckles quickly said, breaking the silence. "Now I have a plan..." He started, his purple orbs looking at each of you in turn. "And I thought about this in about a minute in a half."

You and Gadget sweat dropped, while Silver proceeded to facepalm. "A minute in a half...?" The both of you questioned your commander which led to even more facepalms.

Knuckles nodded. "Yes. I call it: Operation Big Wave!" He announced. "Who cares what it's called?" Silver said and shook his head. "All that matters is if it works." The rest nodded in agreement, causing their commander to frown.

Knuckles scratched his head. "Well, the plan is that we launch a full on attack on the city." Espio nodded, understanding the point of the location. "By claiming the city, we'll have the upper hand on this war."

"Okay, whose ready to kick some butt?" You asked confidently and raised your fist into the air. Everyone cheered, (expect Classic he smiled) beaming with confidence.


Capital City Part 1

* Ready?


* GO!

Running besides Tails, Classic took in the details of the city. It was quite bland, since every building was the color white. But the sky made up for it with it's bright blue gaze. Dodging an enemies spin attack, he destroyed the robots in his path and ran forward leaving them behind in their wake.

Classic turned his head to the side to notice Gadget grinding on a rail. He waved and the red wolf waved back before jumping off the rail and disappearing in the horizon.


Capital City Part 2

* Ready?

After Gadget waved to Classic Sonic he jumped off the purple rail he was grinding on. Spinning around enemies and destroying them, his quickly made his way forward not even bothering to notice Eggman flying in his Eggmobile below him.

Using his wispon to give him an attack boost he made his way towards one of the Death Egg robots. Quickly waving at you he continued attacking the Death Egg robot in front of him.


Capital City Final


You tapped your foot at the slow robots making their way towards you. "Wow, slow robots? Cheeky..." You sarcastically said before running towards your first robot and kicking it back towards the others.

They crashed to the ground, a robotic like roaring coming from their ajacent mouths. You kicked their heads into the ground, smiling cockily and racing forward.

A/N: Is it just me or was anyone else confused as to why there are no chaos emeralds?

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