Chapter 11

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* Load your save game?

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* Five weeks later...

Aqua Road

The night was surprisingly warm as you made your way towards the base. That mission in Capital City tuckered you out, but the commander ordered to you come back immediately so you had no time to stop and rest.

Many Eggman robots were in your way, but you destroyed them all with a simple flick of your wrist as you ran past them. Using your telekinesis you flew above the river paths below where badnicks seemed to be waiting for you.

As you looked down at them with annoyance they looked back at you with disappoinment in their robotic eyes. You soon landed in front of the base as you picked up a familiar looking gem.

* You got an S rank!

* Good luck on your next mission!


You accidentally bumped into Gadget as you walked towards the base. You quickly got up and dusted your clothes before helping him up, who thanked you and smiled.

"Sorry Gadget..." You said as your gaze rested upon your friend. Gadget only kept smiling shaking his head to tell you that it was alright. Your eyes gazed at the dark sky above you as you noticed a two tailed fox flying towards you.

He clearly had a confused expression glued to his face as he landed. As he studied the both of you carefully, you grown quite uncomfortable. "Uh, do I know you?" He asked the both of you as to which you both shook your heads. The quick patter of feet made your ears twitch with a sense of defense.

The yellow fox smiled and waved, only for you to glance in confusion as the person approaching as a smaller version of Modern Sonic. Classic waved to the two of you before pointing towards the door behind you.


"Sonic!" Tails yelled, flying over to the blue blur and enveloping him in a hug. "Your okay!" Sonic chuckled and hugged his sidekick back before letting go. "Yep, I'm better than ever." Noticing Classic he sent his younger self a thumbs up.

"How it's been? It's been been ages since I seen you!" Classic sent his older self a thumbs up as well causing his older self to laugh. Tapping your foot, you rolled your (e/c) eyes waiting for a greeting from the blue blur himself.

"Mhm, nice to see you too Sonic."

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