Chapter 16

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"Tails, any more information on this so called "plan" Eggman's talking about?" You asked, as Tails shook his head in disappointment. "Nope. But it might have something to do with..."

"The phantom Ruby..." You finished, while you and Tails shared the same look. Aurora tilted her head, her confusing gaze landing on the both of you. "What's this so called "Phantom Ruby" you all keep talking about?" She questioned.

Tails turned to her and answered her question. "Something that Eggman made, pulling a victim into it's reality. If you bruise yourself in that reality you'll bruise yourself here too." He explained.

"Interesting..." Aurora mumbled.

Your eyes gazed over Tails' as your (e/c) eyes lit up with an idea.  "So, we just have to destroy the ruby that Infinite has!" Tails frowned. "No, we have to destroy the power source first."

Tugging on your shirt, Classic inverted your gaze towards the computer. There was one file left unopened. Opening the file, the four of you gazed confusingly as the title of the file popped up on the screen.

"Spirit Animals...?" Tails asked aloud. Turning to Classic, "Do you know anything about this?" Classic shook his head, then turned his gaze to you. You nodded, before opening your mouth ready to speak.

"Spirit animals, are of course, the spirit of animals. You can also summon a chosen spirit animal by finding or making a picture of that spirit and offering it what it likes to eat." You explained slowly in order for Tails and Classic to understand.

They both nodded, before Tails broke the quick silence and closed the file. "Now that we know more about the ruby, how about we destroy it's power source?"


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