Alternate Chapter 12

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Idea by PrincessRainbowdashy

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You cockily waved to the blue blur, who smiled and ran up to hug you. Arms wrapped around your frame in a loving manner and a head made its way to the crook of your neck. "(Y/N), I missed you." The blue hedgehog whispered in your ear.

You smiled and looked up at everyone else. Gadget and Rouge fawned over the two of you. Silver and Knuckled tried to keep a straight face, but their proud smiles failed them. Shadow huffed and looked away, sounding annoyed and jealous. While Any seemed to be fuming at the sight.

(E/c) eyes locked with ruby eyes, you couldn't help but let out a giggle at Shadow's jealously. Hearing your giggle, the dark hedgehog's cheeks turned scarlet as he attempted to hide his blushing face. Sonic finally let go of you and was called over by Knuckles.

Everyone else was doing their own thing, and you went to go find a snack. You smiled in success as you found a jar of cookies, swiping them off the counter you opened the jar and snuck your hand in.

"I don't get what you see in him."

Your (f/c) ears twitched in annoyance at the sound of the familiar voice. Hand connecting with the texture of a cookie, your eyes locked on Shadow who was looking at you through the doorway.

"Whatcha mean?" You questioned quickly a little tilt of your head was good enough for Shadow to break away from your stare. "Sonic, what do you see in him?" Blinking in confusion you placed the cookie jar back on the counter. "Well he's adorable, sweet, nice and caring. What's not to love?"

Shadow's hand made swift contact with the wall as you jumped. "You never noticed it have you? I developed feelings for you but you never noticed it." He said, looking down at the tile floor. "You were too busy around Sonic to see MY feelings..."

Once again, ruby eyes staring in (e/c) ones. This time more terrifying than friendly. "I'll fight Sonic just for you, if that's what it takes to rip you from his grasp." After seemingly what felt like hours he left, leaving a slightly scared (a/t) behind.

You gulped, all you wanted was a snack not a scary conversation.

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