* Load your save data?
*Yes No
After Operation Big Wave, Gadget walked confidently whistling his own tune and lightly jogging forward. "This world is such a disappointment." Someone said to themselves, his voice laced with annoyance.
Gadget's ears perked up before his eyes snapped open, he looked towards the left noticing a familiar jackal sitting there. He turned back to look at him and shrugged his shoulders as he spoke, "And if the world was to answer, they send me a crying child."
Gadget froze as Infinite appeared next to him. "Will you stand here and fight? Or will you run away again?" He asked as he tilted his head.
"Hey! Don't back down from a fight!"
"Your the strongest person I know Gadget! Now, beat him up and show him your courage!"
Gadget raised his head, growling and then raised his fist. "I show you I'm brave." He hissed, glaring Infinite in the eye. Infinite chuckled and floated a red mist forming. "I'll show you fear, then pain...and then..." The jackal looked away from the red wolf for a second. "And then at least the pain will be over."
*(Timeskip cause I can't write boss battles lol)
Red mist danced around Gadget vision, shining and glowing. Multiple cannons were surrounding him as he looked up at the jackal above him. "This is the end, now die!" He yelled, as the canons fired. Closing his eyes, Gadget waited for the sharp pain in to hit his body.
* Bling!
Fluttering his eyes open, Gadget looked around very confused as to why he was still here. He looked back at Infinite, who was staring at him curiously. "What? How did you...?" Making the canons fire again, Gadget dodged only to be punched by his enemy.
Sharp pain flooded his chest as he fell to the ground harshly. "No matter, you all will be destroyed in three days."
* What does he mean?

Sunset Love And Golden Hearts: Sonic Forces Fanfiction (Sonic X Reader)
Fanfiction(Y/N) is a young (f/c) (y/a) that has a couple of special powers, mainly telekinesis and chaos energy, that she uses to her advantage in the great war against Dr. Eggman. The Darkened Fight she calls it. When Sonic is defeated and a new evil arises...