Chapter 14

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Your eyes gazed upon the picture that laid before you. Carefully wiping the dust off, you held the picture up to let the light shine on it. It was a picture of a white wolf with ice spiraling around it.

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"Aurora, the spirit of flying and ice

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"Aurora, the spirit of flying and ice. Heed my call..." Nothing special happened and Gadget was silent as well awaiting the spirit to come. Your (f/c) eyes met Gadget's as you two shared a look.

"It should of worked, maybe she left me for neglecting her...?" You questioned, tilting your head as you thought silently for an answer. Gadget shook his head before saying, "Infinite was right about you..."

Your eyes snapped to look at him, as an animalistic growl rumbled in your throat. The spirit you know as Aurora growled with you, making you look menacing.

Gadget chuckled before putting his hands out in defense. Aurora and you tilted your heads, your eyes shared a mix of confusion. "I'm just joking." He said with another chuckle.

"(Y/N), Gadget come in."

"(Y/N) here."

"Gadget here."

"Classic and Tails learned some new information about that plan Eggman was talking about."

Gadget nodded, thanking Silver for the information.

Patting Aurora's head, you smiled. "Are you ready to meet new people Aurora?"

"Yes, I've been so alone for so long. Let's go."

Sunset Love And Golden Hearts: Sonic Forces Fanfiction (Sonic X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now