Chapter One | Transformation

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Okay, so here is Chapter One. I figured you guys would want something besides a 500(?) prologue, so here is this. The editing of the next several chapters may be slow due to finals and work, so please be patient with me. I will try to keep my uploading consistent (ahahahaha). Again, thank you!!


"We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis."

~Lee Ann Taylor


June Darby tilted her head back, resting it against the side of the tub as she took a few selfish minutes to relish the warm water. It would be absolutely miserable, stepping out and being kissed by the harsh, cold air, but she postponed the feeling for a little longer.
It was nice to be clean after several days of walking around in her own filth. Another several hours and she probably would have requested they at least allowed her to go somewhere and shower herself clean, as well as put on new clothes. She must have stunk, or something, because Knock Out had unceremoniously plucked her out of her cell and brought her here about fifteen minutes ago.

"Are you done in there?" Speaking of which.

"Almost," she snapped back, glaring at the curtain where the red mech was standing. "I'm still washing my hair."

A lie, but it was not like the Decepticon was going to check - she hoped. Taking a deep breath before sinking below the surface she gave herself another vigorous scrub before resurfacing and slipping out of the water, shivering violently. Her teeth chattered while her skin was relentlessly assaulted by the cold air, the woman drying herself off quickly before dressing in fresh clothes.

"Finally," her babysitter muttered when she emerged from behind the curtain, picking her up none-too-gently and carrying her to another table within the laboratory. There, he set her down on the countertop and pulled out various food items and water bottles, grimacing when a digit tip nicked the side of a crate.

"That is just perfect," he muttered to no one in particular, focusing on the imperfection whilst the prisoner ate. His blood red optics watched her once he decided the digit tip could be fixed, huffing and scowling.

June finished as quickly as she could without throwing up or feeling too sick, standing.

"I'm ready to go back," she announced, confused when all she received was a snort.

"Lord Megatron has requested an audience with you; you will not be returning to that cell any time soon." The vague reply sent chills down her spine, the human gasping and squirming when smooth servos plucked her from the countertop without warning. Her blue eyes narrowed, and she glared at the mech.

"What do you mean?" She demanded. "What could he possibly want? We haven't had a conversation in days!"

"Don't know, really don't care." Knock Out quipped back. "I certainly don't want a private audience with my master and our resident psychopath."

Shockwave. The goosebumps from before seemed tame in comparison to the ones she now sported. What could they possibly want with me?

A horrible thought came to her head. No. No. No.

They are going to experiment on me. Just like they did with Jack.

Horrifically, she did not know if the idea was appealing, or repulsive.

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)Where stories live. Discover now