Author's Note

509 24 7

Another one finished!

I actually had a lot of fun with this work - June Darby isn't the focal point of many fanfictions, and so to write things from her perspective was refreshing and something new. I originally didn't plan for Megatronus, but he came around in the story anyways, and he too was a lot of fun. I need to play around with that character more often.

Honestly the ending wasn't exactly what I wanted/planned, but after reading it a million times I thought "eh, don't know how to really change it, so I'll publish it." It's not a bad ending, it's just not what I truly liked. 

Thank you to everyone who supported me through this work, and was patient as I had a crappy and weird uploading schedule! I'm not really working on anything big at the moment, so you can expect a bit of a dry spell from me. I am starting school again, so perhaps that will pump up my creativity (or drag it down). You guys are awesome, and I love reading your comments.

Other than that . . . I really have nothing else to say. Short A/N for a short work, eh?


June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)Where stories live. Discover now