Chapter Fourteen | Unbreakable

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"A bond between souls is ancient - older than the planet."

~Dianna Hardy, The Witching Pen


Ratchet approached Shockwave while they were working together to make sure everything about the synthetic energon was running smoothly, from its creation to its transference in the Omega Lock to the device's utilization of its unlimited power source.

"June is still having strange symptoms," he told the scientist, well aware any mentioning of the former humans would immediately draw his attention. "She is reporting an unusual affiliation with your former master. You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with it, would you?"

Shockwave looked genuinely surprised. "I fail to grasp your meaning. By what are you referring to as 'unusual affiliation'?"

"She cannot bring herself to blame you both for her misfortune, nor quash the protective feelings she has for Megatronus," Ratchet's voice was becoming increasingly bitter and sharp. If there was any manipulation on the Decepticon's part, he was having none of it. "She believes it is a part of Ripclaw, whose memories and instincts reside within her."

The silent response he received was frustrating, but Shockwave was merely thinking. "There is a theory," he stated slowly, "but I do not have enough sufficient information to make a firm statement. Lord Megatron was the first to make physical contact with June in her new body. This may have formed a subliminal bond between her and our master."

Ratchet did not like the supposed inclusion with our master, but there was something more pressing on his processor. "Are you saying she imprinted on him?"

"That is the most logical explanation," Shockwave confirmed. "Some creatures use sight to imprint, Predacons may use touch. The process is also involuntary, and subconscious; this would account for why she does not understand her own feelings."

The Autobot medic pinched the area between his optics. "And there is nothing we can do to . . . sever it," he muttered. "Because it is not physical and too rooted in her psyche to be altered, correct?"


"Great," Ratchet muttered. "Perfect, even. And how do you propose we break this information to her? It is just as bad as telling Megatronus that he shares half a spark bond with Jack!" The medic shook his helm. What were the odds that both Darby members would have some sort of connection to the warlord? Perhaps it would in part explain why both were considered - by the Decepticons anyways - to be his most treasured possessions.

"Quietly, and with structure," Shockwave suggested, seeming to have all of the answers. "She should be informed first; should she wish to speak to Megatronus on the matter, it is up to her discretion."

Ratchet sighed. "I'm sure it will all go over well," he replied sourly.


"And how are you adjusting, my liege?"

Megatronus turned to the voice, his blue optics briefly flickering up and down the sleek Seeker's frame. Optimus Prime did not have fond memories of this mech. And, if he recalled correctly, Soundwave did not either.

"I no longer answer to idolatry titles," the gladiator answered. "You may refer to me as just Megatronus. If I recall, your designation is Starscream, yes?"

The Seeker's wings stiffened in pride. "Yes, that is who I am," his red optics gleamed, "It is good to see your memory returning to you."

"My memory has not returned," Megatronus growled softly. He was already annoyed with the pestering Vosnian. "I only borrow my knowledge from that of Soundwave and Optimus Prime. You were a particularly treacherous first lieutenant, if I am to trust their judgement."

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)Where stories live. Discover now