Chapter Sixteen | Cybertron

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"Thriving. That's fighting . . . Surviving is barely getting by."

~Jillian Michaels


June did not try to kid herself the first night she spent on Cybertron's surface. Even though each member of Team Prime offered she stay in their hab-suites, there was only one mech Ripclaw would allow for her to cohabitate with in peace. Megatronus was, at first, insistent she take the recharge table until the femme switched to her beast mode and curled up on his living room floor, shamelessly tucking her snout against her tail and offlining her optics.

Though he was a little off-put by the display and a bit wary of the fact that there was a Predacon at his front door, Megatronus was also relieved by that as well. Yes, he would be extraordinarily ticked if any 'bot tried to harm June to get to him, but the femme was resilient and not so easily put down. And if she was hurt, well, then he had every excuse to lay waste to the one who crossed him.

For obvious reasons, June did not share the details of her cohabitation with Jack. Though they had left with a hug - and kiss on the cheek from her - goodbye, it was bittersweet. He was still angry that she had seemingly chose Megatronus over him, despite insisting that he look at the "facts." Yes, a Predacon would not bode well on Earth, as she would never be able to leave the base due to an improper disguise, but if she had truly wanted it she could have coped. But, for once, June decided to be selfish.

It ate at her spark day in and day out, however they messaged each other regularly, and that put her at ease. Over time, Jack would settle down, perhaps even come back, and then they could live a semi-normal life together again.

During the first few weeks on Cybertron June was content to explore the planet herself. Knock Out assisted with the removal of her Predacon emblems to keep curious optics - and dangerous ones - from watching her, and the medic even did slight cosmetic alterations to make her appearance less "beastly." To anybot that did not know any better, or looked too hard, they could not tell her body hailed from ancient history.

As a self-proclaimed neutral she could easily travel from sector to sector without too much hassle from Autobot and Decepticon Cybertronians alike, finding it was rather easy to make friends from both sides than she imagined. Only once was she mistaken for a naive, ignorant neutral.

"Cowards, the whole lot of them," a mech snarled to his companion, the pair leaning against the wall outside of what looked suspiciously like a bar. He held a small cube of energon - Wheeljack had told her it was Engex, similar to alcohol - in his servo, though by the looks of it the mech had already drank more than enough. "While we fought in the war, died for our freedom, they scattered like turbofoxes and sought refuge amongst the stars! And now they come back, as if they are welcome here?"

His companion scoffed. "We 'ought to kick 'em off to the colony worlds," he agreed. "Can't live here if they didn't try to die here."

June made an attempt to brush by them, not at all surprised when her frame caught their attention. Her size - which was particularly unusual for a femme - and build was a dead giveaway that she was not a typical Cybertronian. Even after a few weeks it did not take long for her to notice the subtle differences of a mech and femme, "Cybertronian" and someone from a colony world such as Velocitron. She stood out because she was none of those things; walking like a human in a frame from eons past. It was subtle, and hardly anyone gave her a second glance.


She stopped right as a glob of engex landed in front of her pedes, pausing and glancing at the mechs that called for her attention. Blue optics hued with green spun and clicked as they focused, her expression not amused. Something told her they were not catcalling, but still asking for plenty of trouble.

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)Where stories live. Discover now