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"A man is like a novel: until the very last page you don't know how it will end. Otherwise it wouldn't even be worth reading."

~ Yevgeny Zamyatin, We


"Mom . . . I know I said I would tbe good when you decided to try dating again, but -"

"Jack," June rolled her optics, putting her servos on her hips. "It is not a date. It is far from a date."

Her son raised an optic ridge. "He asked you to be his companion for the return of the Allspark."

"That everyone on the planet, including yourself, is going to," June pointed out, her mouth quirking up in a bit of a knowing grin. "Which you are attending with Miko. Should I be concerned, Jack?"

"Miko and I are good friends," he argued in return, energon rushing to his helm in embarrassment. "You and Megatronus . . ."

"Are good friends," June quipped. "So, I do believe that is a checkmate."

Jack sighed, finally conceding and allowing his mother to win. About a month into the new age June had finally let Jack in the loop. The mechling was initially unhappy - understandably so - about his mother's arrangement, but he did finally warm up to it. It helped that June and Megatronus were not truly in a relationship; he had no idea how he would feel if his mother had begun dating the universe's most dangerous mass murderer. It also took some time for Megatronus to, in a sense, get used to Jack when the young man would visit, but they ended up becoming rather good acquaintances. They had similar ideas and tastes, which was both unnerving and surprising.

Ratchet had also assisted in the removal of Megatronus' spark piece within Jack, the gladiator getting his piece back whilst Jack received one from Arcee. Though the new connection was initially uncomfortable for the Autobot and her partner, it only strengthened their relationship and put Arcee at a little more ease; now she could keep tabs on her charge at all times.

"Are you ready to go?" His mother pulled him from his reverie. "I'm sure Miko is ready to self-destruct waiting for you."

"And I'm sure Megatronus is gonna kill a 'bot if you don't arrive on time," Jack snarked back, not malicious but reminding his mother that two could certainly play at that game.

June just smiled a little, chuckling softly before she and Jack left the cafe, the pair having decided it was their favorite restaurant within Iacon. Taking a transporter, they quickly traveled to the Well of the Allspark, where a sizeable crowd had already gathered.

"Hey, slowpoke!" Miko was almost immediately upon them, punching Jack in the shoulder. "I was wondering if you were ever gonna show!"

"It's called taking our time and enjoying the moment, Miko," Jack muttered, but he was glad to see her. The young man had missed his friend.

"Come on, Optimus is giving us front row seats. Even the Rafman and old Docbot came along for the show!" Miko eagerly started tugging him into the crowd, hardly apologizing as she pushed past Autobots and Decepticons, eventually the Cybertronians getting smart enough to move out of her way.

June felt optics on her and she looked up, seeing Megatronus standing at the elevated edge of the Well with Optimus Prime, his blue optics gazing at her with a rare smile. She could not help but smile in return, quietly snaking her way through the crowd. To her surprise it almost immediately parted for her, realizing that Megatronus had stepped down to help her, easily carving a path and allowing her to go to him. A little embarrassed by the attention but doing her best to ignore it, she walked towards him.

"I thought you would be a little more agitated," Megatronus grinned ever so slightly. "Given the large crowd."

"Don't give Ripclaw any ideas," June muttered, but she was still smiling. She hesitated when he offered her a servo, remembering her conversation with Jack. Though she did not want to give him more ammunition, she supposed his interactions with Miko would be enough to counter his teasing. Taking the mech's servo, she followed him up onto the platform, where Optimus greeted her.

It seemed that all of Cybertron was watching, with cameras spiraling around the Well for those who remained at home, some focusing on the trapped energy within a container - the Allspark, ready for release into the planet's core.

"Cybertronians," Optimus announced the moment the agreed start time came to pass. "Be you Autobot, Decepticon, neutral, or perhaps something else, today marks the day our planet no longer may be barren. By the power vested in me, given to my frame by the Matrix of Leadership, I will release our Allspark into the core, return it to its home, and give life to our planet once more. Megatronus, I ask that you assist me in this endeavor."

The gladiator nodded, approaching the container with his long time enemy - and friend. "I would be more than honored to facilitate this new era with you."

Together, with little ceremony other than the opening of the container, both mechs carefully extracted the Allspark. Its warm energy washed across the crowd as they beheld the supernatural entity, Optimus and Megatronus allowing for a few moments of hesitation before casting it into the Well.

They waited for a minute, then two, Miko ready to announce the anticlimaticacy of it all when a burst of colors erupted from the Well, sparks of Cybertronians long past dancing across the sky, weaving between loved ones and carressing those they had left behind, coating Cybertron in a warm, beautiful glow. The planet blossomed once more with life, pulsing and vibrating quietly as the spark of Primus became alive once more. The cheer from the crowd very nearly offlined June's audio receptors.

Miko gripped Jack in a tight, bone-crushing hug as the intoxicating joy swept across the planet. Hugs were exchanged between even the coldest of Cybertronian's, sparks alive with the happiness that had once made the Golden Age thrive.

June gasped in surprise when a broad arm wrapped around her body and hugged her against a strong frame, stiffening as she twisted her helm to see who it was.

Realizing his mistake Megatronus almost immediately let her go, the mech apologizing quietly and avoiding her gaze. She could have sworn his cheeks glowed blue with an embarrassed blush, even he affected by the infectious happy nature of the crowd.

This is a new day. A new start. A new life.

Megatronus jolted a little when his brief gesture of affection was returned, taking a half-step back to regain his balance while June carefully draped her arms around his shoulder spikes, their similar sizes making it easy for her to do so. After taking a klik to recover the mech returned his arms around her, a rare smile of happiness gracing his faceplates again. Though they had gotten off to a rough start, his relationship with the femme had smoothed out and their friendship had grown, blossomed, becoming something neither of them could live without.

It was, they could agree, an astounding transformation.

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)Where stories live. Discover now