Chapter Five | The Big Reveal

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  "Once you drop a mask, you can never wear it again."   

~Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land


"A second Predacon? Where were they hiding it?" Ratchet demanded, bewildered by the idea that the Decepticons would create a second asset and then never utilize it.

"It stands to reason the lab Shovel and Wheeljack found was for multiple Predacons within a single time frame, as it would be more efficient than only growing one or two aboard the warship," Optimus Prime suggested. "This second one may have recently matured, and kept aboard the Nemsis."

"Possibly," the medic muttered.

"But something doesn't make sense," Wheeljack tapped his helm. "I just can't . . . place it. It just feels wrong, chief. Like we're missing something."

A persisting beeping noise interrupted them, the Autobots pausing in their work to turn and look at the intruding noise.

"Uh, can we talk about this later? We've got a bigger problem on our servos!" Bulkhead pointed to the screens. "Smokescreen and Jack have four bogies on their tailpips; and one of them is Megatron!"


Smokescreen straightened a bit as his comlink chirped, opening it up. "Smokescreen to base. What's up?"

"You and Jack need to get out of there, now! Buckethead is headed right your way!"

"Megatron?" Jack looked up as the sound of jets reached his audio receptors, glaring as the shriek of engines passed over their heads and the sound of transforming followed soon after. The boy stood as Megatron landed with a heavy thud, the warlord standing up straight and grinning, pointed denta intimidating in the bright dessert sun.

Three Seeker-type Vehicons followed up behind him, their servos transforming into guns and pointing at the two Autobots, silent as their master addressed the enemy.

"It seems that we have almost come full circle once again," Megatron crooned, taking a few calculated steps toward Jack, who immediately tensed into a fight-ready position. "Going to strike a deal with me once more, Jackson?"

"You murdered my mother," Jack's servos transformed into their swords. "There will be no bargaining. I'm going to take your spark, right here, right now!"

"Oh, is that what the Autobots told you?" Megatron grinned, sharp denta bared. Smokescreen felt the energon drain from his helm at the look. "They lied to you, Jack. Your mother is alive and well."

"Liar!" Jack snarled, armor plating bristled up, moments from attack. "Arcee watched her die! Collected her ashes! There was no way you could have possibly - "

"But I did," Megatron interrupted, cutting off the mechling mid-rant and continuing as if he had not. "Soundwave opened a Groundbridge portal and safely delivered her onto the Nemesis. Would you like to become reacquainted?"

There was tense silence, Jack unmoving from his position. As desperately as he wanted to say yes, he knew that the warlord could use that word to contract him into anything. He had to be careful - he needed to know the terms and conditions.

The warlord did not wait for an answer, however. Behind him a Groundbridge portal opened, the gaping vortex empty for several seconds before the Decepticon extended a servo outward, as if waiting for something to be dropped into his palm.

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)Where stories live. Discover now