Chapter Eleven | Explanations

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"Some things in life are too complicated to explain in any language."

~Haruki Murakami, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage


" - and how long shall we wait for this corruption to infect the very core of our world?! How long shall we allow those Iacon pigs to gorge on their hedonistic ideals while we toil in the mines and fight for our lives in this gladitorial arena?!"

"I remember this fight," Megatronus sat next to Soundwave inside of the Kaon arena, the silent communications officer reclined back with his legs crossed. "This was after I had defeated a Combiner - no small feat."

The crowd roared in response to Megatronus' words, some screaming profanities that the gladiator brushed aside, caring only for those that called his name and begged for more of his wisdom. The memory shifted to Megatronus standing proudly atop of a massive cybernetic beast, the creature slain by his sword and fusion canon. He now sported more scars, some of them having yet to fully heal.

"The Senate has attempted to end my life on multiple occasions, but I will not be silenced!" The gladiator screamed to the crowd. "I will not allow them to make a martyr of me just yet! Not while I still have more to say!"

Megatronus gazed toward Soundwave, who was now standing in a more secluded part of the arena. His blue optics gazed at the slender Decepticon with some confusion. "Why these memories?" He asked. "I know what happened here, I know all of my fights, my speeches. Why relive them?"

Soundwave instead silently pointed past Megatron, down the dark hall in which they resided. There, they saw the Soundwave of the past, before his modifications, narrow optics analyzing the gladiator with cold calculations.

"Are you sure about this?" A sleazy Cybertronian, Swindle, emerged from the shadows beside him. "A Councilman of Zeta Prime going against the most powerful gladiator in all of Kaonic memory, one that adopted the blasphemous name of Megatronus?"

"I am more sure than I have been in a long time," Soundwave answered, giving Swindle a hefty amount of shanix. "My other attempts have been thwarted thus far. Zeta Prime has demanded his execution. While I normally work in the shadows, this time I will make it much more personal."

Swindle snorted. "It sounds more like an elaborate plot for your execution. But whatever. Not like we couldn't use less of you Iacon trash."

Megatronus' optics widened, taking a step back as he gazed at Soundwave.

"It was you." He said, despite it being so obvious. "All this time, and it was you attempting to kill me?"

Soundwave did not answer, instead changing the memory. The shocked Megatronus whirled on the fine metallic floor of the arena as a shout of anger rang out from behind him, the unpleasant sound of metal on metal his only warning before Soundwave - traitorous Soundwave - flew past him. His past self followed quickly, massive sword unsheathed and prepared to end the silent mech.

"You declare yourself a warrior for Zeta Prime," Megatronus mocked. "Why do you follow a False Prime, Iaconian? Why do you allow yourself to eat up his teachings and purge common sense?"

Soundwave avoided the blow, spinning to his pedes with incredible speed.

"Cybertron is becoming poisoned, and we will fix it," the mech hissed, his arms blocking the next swipe, his staff spinning in his servo. The sharp, spiked ends hummed in the warm Kaonic air, displacing the fine metal shards beneath them. "Zeta Prime speaks of wisdom and truth - "

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)Where stories live. Discover now