Chapter Three | First Encounters

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 "Each meeting occurs at the precise moment for which it was meant. Usually, when it will have the greatest impact on our lives."

~Nadia Scrieva, Fathoms of Forgiveness


Knock Out had thought it was a horrible idea to keep Shockwave alone with his new Predacon - though Starscream thought it was a fantastic plan - in an enclosed space, yet the medic digressed. He fetched the energon cube the scientist requested and took a moment to behold the Predacon femme, intimidated by her size and noticeable awareness, though he was assured she was no longer "human" in the psychological sense. 

The first indication that the Predacon had retained her "sensations" of memory was her initial recoil of the supposedly toxic substance within the cube. But with a flash of yellow in her optics the fear was quelled. A part of her urged to drink, her body requiring the vitalizing liquid, instincts making it easy for her to swallow the energon as it touched her glossa.

I am drinking like a dog.

The thought floated away before she realized what she had compared herself to. Where had that thought come from?

She settled, ignoring the discomfort. If she had no idea what it was, she should not bother trying to figure out. Eventually the feeling dissipated as her tanks filled with energon and her body felt much more energized. Unlike the typical, evolved Cybertronian, June did not receive highly sophisticated updates and status reports on her body's condition; as a Predacon, she merely used her instilled common senses to determine if she had consumed enough energon to maintain efficient levels of power.

Once Shockwave determined the femme was finished, he gave Megatron a brief ping, waiting patiently for an update on whether or not Predaking had been briefed on the situation and the scientist's own instructions from there. They had decided that the Predacon need not know how June's body came about; he would certainly see it as some kind of monstrosity or violation of a proud species.

It was only five kliks before Megatron arrived at the laboratory doors, his dark red optics gazing at June before focusing on his scientist.

"Starscream has prepared our resident Predacon to meet our newest addition," the warlord rumbled. "You will be in charge of keeping the peace between your Autobot hunter and the former human."

"As I have the most experience, that would seem most logical," Shockwave agreed, and carefully prodded June, prompting her to leave the laboratory and follow them to the flight deck.

As a security measure Soundwave attended the transportation of the femme Predacon, locking down all areas of the ship and keeping his remote Groundbridge generator warmed up should anything go awry. The precautions proved obsolete, as Megatron easily commanded the beast as if she was some sort of pet. His master seemed to have established some sort of mutual understanding with the creature, and though Shockwave hypothesized a potential imprintation, too little was known of the creatures to confirm if such a thing existed. For all they knew, June merely acknowledged their master as some sort of Alpha, which would in turn cause her to instinctually submit to his commands.

Starscream waited at the door of the original Predacon's kennel, shock prod in servo. He was clearly jealous to see his superior comandeer a beast effortlessly and gracefully, though he kept his personal thoughts to himself. When June was situated at the end of the flight deck, tens of Earth feet away from Predaking's home, he prepared to open the kennel.

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)Where stories live. Discover now