Chapter Two | Consciousness

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"We are the cosmos made conscious and life is the means by which the universe understands itself."

~ Brian Cox


Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

Her body writhed and a screech erupted from her vocalizers as pain radiated from her chest, threating to rip her apart and kill her. It felt as if an explosion occured within her spark, a fireball swallowing it whole and radiating through the rest of her body. Somewhere in the back of her mind she could sense shoving herself against a wall and twisting around, thrashing in an attempt to escape.

Something foreign pressed itself against her at the ventral base of her helm, shoving her to the floor and keeping her still, wrapping around her neck and squeezing with discomforting force. She fought against it and the pain, panic bubbling in her mind whilst she tried to understand. With each passing second the pain started to fade, and in response her body eventually stilled and relaxed against the ground. The pressure at her neck ceased and muffled tones filtered into her audio receptors, starting to become clearer while her thoughts remained somewhat muddled, attempting to sort out exactly what happened.

It's dark. Why is there darkness?

A fleeting thought of her once knowing light passed through her processor and disappeared, leaving her even more confused. She reached out, attempted to snatch it, but the idea was gone, all that was left was the concept of light; the opposing force to what surrounded her now.

Have I always known darkness? What is this light?

Finally she became aware of her optics, onlining them and hissing as light blinded her, searing her sensors. A part of her recognized the sensation, shuttering them again as pain made her processor ache. Moving her helm her orientation systems began to read external information, finding that she was, currently, belly-up. Shifting her bulk and rolling onto her clawed pedes, her armor rippled and affixed itself to her hide. Her very first ventilation came and went for several seconds, her optics flickering back on with a shake of her helm.

The room she occupied was clautsrophobically small, the presence of two others not making things any better. Gazing upon them her optics trailed from one to the next, taking in their odd and otherworldly appearances. They resided on two legs - odd - and stood tall, like . . . buildings. 

What are buildings? The question remained unanswered within her processor, yet the femme knew she should understand what a "building" was. It bothered her that there was no clear answer, her attention to this detail eventually disrupted by her environment.

She felt trapped, unable to find an escape within this tiny enclosure, however she found there was nothing threatening about the situation. The femme was easily one and a half times as big, if not a little more, than the largest of the two creatures. Should they attack, even as one, she could easily overpower them.

Shaking her bulk she fixed her partially skewed armor pieces - courtesy of her rolling on the floor - and took in the details of the room. Her gaze fell on the bright screens first, watching as lines scrawled across them in an odd fashion. They were not connected lines, but symbols, dancing across the screens. How she was aware of what a screen was or the purpose of this technology escaped her. She was unused to this, yet knew exactly what it was.

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)Where stories live. Discover now