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brendon had finally opened the door and saw ryan's beautiful face.

"hey brendon!" ryan cheered,his expression changed from unamused to very happy. he just wanted to kiss brendon on the cheek,but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"hey ry!" brendon practically squealed,thank god his parents were not home.

"come on in,mi casa,su casa." brendon said,laughing a little bit.

ryan giggled and nodded,stepping into brendon's house.

brendon took ryan up to his room and ryan was absolutely astonished at what he saw. brendon's room was very nice and very clean, "woah,brendon you have a really nice room! it's big too,i can sleep on the floor and not be all crammed up!" ryan said,chuckling.

but brendon was a little disappointed when ryan said that he would be sleeping on the floor, "you can just sleep with me in my bed so you're more comfortable and your body doesn't hurt in the morning.." brendon said,trying to act like he wasn't up to something.

"o-oh are you s-sure? would that be a bother?"

"no! not at all ryan,we are boyfriends after all.." oh god,why did he say that? he felt so disgusted with himself,it was like everything was good,bad,and dirty. it was a good type of bad. brendon didn't even realize that he was falling.

"oh alright,thank you bren." brendon gave ryan a quick smile and then they finally started their fun.


"so ry,what do you wanna do?" of course ryan knee what they could do since he thought things of what they could or should do while he was in the car.

"hmm..we could go out for a walk?" ryan shyly suggested,to which brendon agreed to.

"sounds like fun! there's a trail a few blocks down from my house that leads to a bigger path in the forest. it's not creepy or anything,it's quite calming actually," brendon said as he slipped on his worn out vans. ryan never took off his shoes,so he patiently waited for brendon.

after the two boys left the house,they started walking towards the trail,to which they made it at in about ten minutes. the walk was pretty silent,until they got to the trail.

"do you believe in aliens?" ryan giggled.


"do you believe in aliens?"

"well,i guess so. why wouldn't they be real? we can't just be the only things out there besides animals. what if everything's real and nothing is a lie? who's mind is so wicked so create crazy stuff like that,you know? why would nothing living be in space,it would just be a tunnel of darkness with billions of stars and some planets. we've only explored 5% of the oceans too,so what else is out there? not just us,i can tell you that for sure."

brendon listened to every single word ryan said very carefully,taking it all in. he loved the way ryan talked and how he spoke as if he were a professional conspiracy theorist. his voice was so nice and how he moved his hands when he spoke,it's like that messy haired boy knew what the fuck was going on.

"you know,you're really cute when you get all into detail and stuff like that," brendon complimented,moving his hand towards ryan's and intertwining their fingers together. brendon stopped listening to his gut for a little bit,listening to your heart for a few seconds isn't too bad,is it?

"i-i am n-not cute.." ryan said,all flustered that somebody actually thought him as cute.

"you're right,you're not cute. you're perfect." brendon said with a large smile.

you don't mean it brendon.

oh but of course you mean it! he's the love of yo-

"brendon,thank you. that means a lot to me. but you should give yourself lots of credit because,well,look at yourself!" ryan said with a very noticeable blush.

brendon exchanged a thank you to ryan,and then that is when he realized that their hands were still laced together. he wouldn't let go.

he'd have to eventually,just a few more days and this will be all gone. does it really have to be gone? oh god,brendon was a goner for sure.

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