nails for breakfast,tacks for snacks.

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the next day was a saturday,to which neither brendon or ryan had plans. what was up for them today?

brendons phone: one unread message.

matty: hey brendon,you realize that you have to hang out with him and shit right? just please don't catch The Gay lmao.

brendon: i don't mind hanging out with him,he's really nice actually. i don't see why his sexuality interprets what type of person he is.

matty: oh shit looks like he's already gotten to you!! brendon stop! let's go to the strip club and fuck bitches,stop turning into a fucking soft boy.

brendon: oh fuck off. i'm gonna go suck his dick right now actually.

brendon didn't understand why he got so defensive over ryan,he didn't actually like him. it was just more sympathy. and that might have not been the nicest thing he has ever said,but he's sick of his friends bothering the poor kid.

matty: what the fuck brendon!?

brendon: listen,i'm sorry okay? just stop fucking bothering him!

matty: why the fuck are you so defensive over him!? honestly brendon,real talk,not even trying to sound like a dick,but i think you've caught the feels man.

brendon: no i haven't! no i won't! shut the fuck up matty!

matty: woah woah brendon calm down,it's cool if you're gay. i'll support you okay?

brendon: i'm NOT fucking gay!

matty: look at how you're acting brendon!

brendon stopped replying to matty. he didn't want to believe it. he didn't want to think it either.

brendon dropped his phone to the floor as his vision became a blur and he couldn't see anything. that's when he realized,he started to cry. he didn't want to be gay. he didn't want to be infatuated with a boy. this was all too much for brendon. he buried his face in his hands and was about to start sobbing uncontrollably until-


               one new message from: ryan.

brendon's immediately wiped his tears away and calmed himself down since he noticed his breathing was out of place and his beating heart was acting mad as rabbits.

his heart beat calmed down,his vision became clear,and his breathing steadied. brendon picked up his phone and read the message out loud in a hushed tone.

ryan: good morning!! i hope you slept well :)

brendon had to admit,ryan ross was so fucking adorable. but he can't let him enter his heart. he just can't.

brendon: awh,thank you cutie :) i slept pretty good last night,how did you sleep?

ryan: i slept super duper good for once! i usually never sleep so that's a surprise haha :p

now this wasn't only affecting brendon,it was affecting ryan. brendon could tell that ryan was sincere with his emotions. he was changing ryan. his health would obviously get better if he goes from never sleeping to all of a sudden sleeping for once. brendon was happy,but also felt guilt. he didn't want to do this to ryan,but he also didn't want to do this to himself. he didn't even know how he was feeling,hopefully ryan wouldn't enter brendon's heart.

brendon: well,that's really good! how are you? what're your plans for today?

ryan: i'm super duper good hehe. and,i'm not doing anything interesting. my dad is one of the drunks so i usually just stay in my room playing guitar and writing songs lol

that's when an idea slipped into brendon's mind.

brendon: would you like to come over today? i'm not doing anything myself,besides,i could really enjoy your company!!

matty did say to hang out with ryan,so it didn't mean brendon liked him.

ryan: omg really?? that sounds like a lot of fun!! i'll ask my mom :)

brendon: alrighty,tell me what she says :)

ryan: will do!!

as ryan went to go ask his mother if he could go over to brendon's,brendon was already getting ready. he slipped on a red shirt with a denim jacket and skin tight black jeans with all black vans.

then,his phone buzzed. he ran over to his phone which he left on his desk that was across the room.

ryan: my mom said i could come over!! what time should i be there??

brendon immediately became excited that ryan could come,but that didn't mean he liked him either. he usually got excited when his friends came over,so it's just the same old feeling.

but his heart beating a little faster than usual,in a good way,did not happen around his friends.

brendon: great!! you can come at any time :) you can also sleep over if you would like to ry

oh god brendon,you're just making this worse on yourself. tell me,how are you sleeping easy?

ryan: of course i would love to sleepover! thank you so much bren :) i'll be over any time soon 💝

that heart. that fucking heart. it basically made brendon's morning. he didn't know why. it didn't mean anything.

brendon: i can't wait 💘

just friends brendon,just friends.

brendon decided to clean his room since ryan said he would be there soon.

while brendon was cleaning,ryan was packing up all of the stuff he thought was important and/or necessary. he even brought his guitar and notebook/sketchbook that was filled with a lot of songs that ryan has wrote in his free time and some drawings he has done.

after about ten minutes of ryan packing up,his mother called him down to leave so he could get to brendon's.

ryan ran down the steps with his huge bag of stuff and made it outside and into his mothers car.

"is this brendon guy you're boyfriend?"

ryan knew he could tell his mother anything so he told her the truth. he came out to her about three years ago.

"y-yeah h-he is my b-boyfriend. he's really sweet,ma."

ryan's mother smiled and finally parked at the front of brendon's home.

"well honey,i'm glad he is making you happy. that's all that matters,alright? i love you so much,have fun darling. oh,and please use protect-"

"mom!" ryan sighed and lightly giggled to himself .

"i love you too mom,i'll be safe. see you tomorrow."

ryan gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and then waved a quick 'goodbye' at her,getting out of the passengers side of the car and shutting the door gently.

ryan slowly walked up the stairs that led to brendon house since he was a little scared that he would mess up or something. but at last,he stepped on the final step and was standing right in front of brendon's house. he took a deep breath in and then took a deep breath out.

ryan finally built up the courage to knock on the door since that's the only option he really had. ryan knocked twice,not wanting to over do it.

he noticed no cars were in the drive way,so brendon would obviously answer the door since he knew he was home. finally after about waiting for a good thirty seconds,ryan heard footsteps approach the door and the door knob twist.

"let's kill tonight." ryan muttered to himself,awaiting to see his boyfriends face.

word count of actual story: 1221.

hey guys it's sammy. my whole body hurts and it's not that good lol. it's sort of late but i'll probably still have to go to school anyways :( i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,i love you all. please stay safe bb's.💘

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