you just havent figured it out yet.

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brendon walked through the doors of the school he was coming quickly to hate. he wore the shittiest clothes ever,but the shiftiness matched with how he was feeling.

when he entered the school doors,all eyes were on him and the whole place became silent as he walked to his locker.

"yes i get it! i'm fucking horrible and a "faggot!" could you all just fucking stop!?" he yelled,fed up with how everyone was reacting as if a gay guy was something newly discovered.

brendon rolled his eyes and finally made it to his locker. and that's when matty came running up to brendon. but before matty could say anything,brendon did.

"you know,you already fucked shit up. there's nothing worse you could do." brendon spat. but matty wasn't having it.

"no brendon listen,i want to help you get ryan back.." he said shyly.

brendon took a deep breath in and since his life was already pretty much shit,he thought about agreeing to it. he didn't have any plans on how to apologize to ryan,and he certainly did not want ryan to find someone else. so he decided to take the latter and he nodded his head.

"fine. fucking fine. let's go somewhere private."

matty nodded and they walked to the janitors closest, "so? what's your 'plan'?"

matty started to talk and boy did he talk fast.

"okay so the talent show is coming up pretty soon and i was thinking maybe you should apologize to ryan in front of the whole school? i don't know..i just..its stupid but maybe you could write him a song? and then you could just..uh..just give a big ass speech about him and how much you love him?"

brendon thought. he seemed to be doing that a lot lately,just think. he thought about the possible outcomes. ryan could laugh his ass off and hate brendon more while kissing his new lover or finding a new lover. or,he could accept the apology and everything could go right.

he didn't have any plans to apologize or how,so he nodded his head after pondering for a while.

"thanks matty. that's a really good idea,i'm sorry for bursting out at you like that. it wasn't your fault,you were upset and josh was homophobic."

"hey it's cool man,no worries. but can we hang out more?" matty asked impatiently.

"of course bro! thanks again." the bell then rung and brendon raced to his first period class,as did matty. but brendon didn't pay one second of attention to class since he was busy writing the song he would be performing in front of ryan. he made sure to make it lyrical and meaningful.

he came up with the title "when the day met the night." and it was a pretty long song. he was proud of his work and by third period,he already figured out the chords he would be using since all he owned at the moment was his handy dandy guitar.

the song had been completed by eighth period,he just needed to play it. in front of ryan. in front of his piers. in front of a thousand teenagers and teachers.


brendon had arrived bone at 2:50 and he didn't even do his homework because he desperately wanted to work on the song for ryan. he was in the middle of the song,until he got a message from matty.

matty: the talent show is tomorrow,so make sure to have everything set by then!
brendon: everything's figured out,but i don't know how i can fix my anxiety?????
matty: sigh. you have to do it brendon.
brendon: yeah i know. i gotta go continue practice singing it. see you.
matty: good luck bro
brendon: thanks.

brendon set his phone down and continued practicing until about 12:45. he set his guitar and paper down with the lyrics.

"oh god. please,please let everything go good tomorrow. i cant loose ryan ross. i just can't."


it was about five in the morning when brendon got up. the talent show was in the morning instead of afternoon this year,so brendon had to get up earlier just to look good. he didn't shower last night or change into his pajamas because he was too into finishing the song. in his opinion,it sounded nice. but what would ryan think?

brendon jumped into the shower and jumped out the lyrics,memorizing them perfectly.

about thirty minutes later and brendon was out the door with his guitar in hand. he set it in the passenger seat while he buckled himself into the drivers seat. he got to the school twenty minutes before the talent show would start.

he told the principal he was there for the talent show and he lead him towards the back where you would perform. "since you're name starts with a b,and we're going alphabetically,the you're going first."

brendon had no other choice,so all he did was nod. what else could he do?

the principal left and brendon started to practice,reassuring himself that everything would be alright. all he could do was hope.


matty arrived a little after brendon did,and he was the host so as soon as he got there,they set his mic up.

when they finished the small setup,students started to pile in. brendon watched every single one of them pile in,and then he saw him. ryan. he was alone,like he always was before brendon came along.

he looked absolutely miserable. eyeliner everywhere and he wore baggy shirts with tight jeans and extremely worn out converse.

brendon was paying too much attention to him,he almost didn't hear matty start talking. almost.

"ladies and gentleman! thank you all for coming to our schools annual talent show! we will be having singing acts,dancing acts,and original acts! now,let the talent show begin! the first person on the list..brendon urie! singing an original song that he titled "when the day met the night." enjoy!"

brendon walked slowly towards the stage with shaky breath and fidgety hands. he almost dropped his guitar and he was already sweating. when he finally made it to the mic,there were millions of whispers scattering throughout the auditorium but there was one voice who was in clear shock but didn't say one thing.


how well would everything really go?

word count: 1,062

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! it gave me anxiety just typing out brendon going to the stage dhdjsk.

i will be uploading again so stay tuned!! stay healthy and safe,i love you all.

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