time to dance.

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the rest of the entire walk on the trail was very quiet. until the two boys reached their destination.

"woah,brendon! this is..this is so beautiful! look at how clear the lake is,you can see the fishies!" ryan squeaked,he has never seen anything more beautiful in his life. other than brendon of course.

"awh,i'm glad you like it my flower." brendon convinced himself he was just blabbering stuff out. he was really good at convincing people,and himself.

ryan and brendon sat on one big rock that could fit their space so they wouldn't have to be deprecated. their fingers were still laced,the only thing that was different was that ryan's head was on brendon's shoulder as he breathed quietly,taking in all the beauty around him.

brendon used his free hand to play with ryan's hair as the calm atmosphere surrounded the two lovers. in brendon's brain,it screamed that it was only a dare and none of this meant anything. but in brendon's heart,it whispered that he too wanted something serious. but he didn't want to listen to his heart.

after the two boys sat there not saying a word,but giving each other comfort,the once bright clouds turned a dark gray color and the sky now looked mean.

"hey ry..i think it's time we get back home. and fast." ryan nodded and stood up,but before they even started to run to brendons house,it was already pouring.

"well,isn't this lovely." brendon said panting as he ran in the rain,still holding ryan's hand.

"at least we haven't lost each other!" ryan yelled since the rain was practically screaming.

it was a little hard for ryan to see because of his long hair,so brendon decided to carry him the rest of the way home.


after their mini rainathon,brendon finally made it home with a safe and happy ryan in his arms. after the two boys entered the house,brendon went to his own bathroom and set ryan down on top of the counter of the sink.

"oh darling,you're soaking! let me get you some clothes." brendon purposely left in a rush since he wanted ryan to wear one of his sweaters. brendon was about three sizes more than ryan,so his sweater would obviously be too big.

"but bre-" but before ryan could even mid way start his sentence,brendon was re-entering the bathroom with his sweater and one of ryan's joggers that he brought.

"i'll leave so you can ch-"

"no! i-i mean uhm..just please don't go? i don't like being in restrooms alone. i trust you enough to stay here and not do anything..sexual."

brendon mentally gasped when ryan said this. partly because of guilt since ryan was starting to genuinely trust brendon and brendon knew this was all a dare. but also out of happiness,ryan trusted him! this would all turn upside down one way or another though. but that's a chapter for another day.

"oh alright,i won't look anywhere you wouldn't want me to." brendon said with a little smile.

as ryan got changed,brendon closed his eyes and patiently waited. it's like brendon was around ryan's finger. it was supposed to be the other way around,but of course brendon didn't notice. or didn't bother nothing is how it should be worded.

"done!" brendon opened his eyes and saw a very adorable boy standing in front of him.

"oh my god you're too cute!" he blurted out,to which ryan blushed very deeply.

"th-thank you bren,it's your turn to change now. you're soaking!" brendon then grinned to himself and moved his head very fast so that little droplets of water from his hair would be on ryan,to which the both of them giggled at.

"alright,i'll go get changed,and then we can watch movies?" ryan nodded as brendon left so he could go get changed. then,ryan decided to get a little bit of revenge for himself.

ryan was quiet when he walked down the steps,deciding to hide on the other side of the couch that couldn't be seen when you came down the steps. he snickered quietly and couldn't wait to spook brendon.

ryan heard brendon's footsteps coming down the steps,so he made sure to keep extra quiet.

"ryannn where are youuuuu?" brendon said in a sing-song voice.

"ry?" brendon said as he was at the second to last step.

"flower?" brendon said when he was at the final step,moving his feet so he was now officially on the first floor.

brendon searched everywhere,and without even thinking he went towards the couch,about to sit on it and text ryan.

"boo!" ryan yelled while he was on the floor.

"ahh!" brendon yelled back in terror,falling down on top of ryan. not on top to crush him because he then stuck his arms out to hold himself up from hurting ryan.

brendon's heart then gave him an idea.

brendon started to kiss ryan all over his soft face,except on his lips.

"kiss attack!" brendon said giggling,continuing to peck ryan's face.

ryan tried moving because of how much he was blushing,embarrassed brendon would make fun of him. but that wasn't the case at all. ryan looked cuter when he blushed,at least in brendons point of view.

"you aren't escaping me any time soon ryan!" brendon said,still laughing.

"oh god b-brendon i-it t-tickles!" ryan squeaked,giggling as well.

brendon stopped after about a minute of going at it,holding himself up and looking into ryan's eyes.

ryan wanted brendons lips on his. and brendons lips begged for the same,but he didn't give in.

brendon got up on his two feet and stuck his hand out for ryan to take.

"movie time with my favorite guy!" brendon cheered on,to which ryan laughed at.

"movie night with my lovely light." to ryan,it meant brendon lit up his world. to brendon,it meant the same thing. but it impacted him,it made him feel the true feeling of happiness.

the two boys hopped onto the comfy tan couch,ryan immediately leaning his head on brendon's shoulder. "what movie should we watch bren?"

"whatever you wanna watch,sugar."

ryan's body then quickly perked up,"let's watch ____!" he said in the most adorable voice ever.

"of course ry." brendon said,turning on the television and flicking through an illegal app he purchased so he could watch every single movie. it was like netflix,but illegal and free.

ryan's head went back to resting on brendon's shoulder as the movie started. brendon was quick to tangle their fingers together as the movie came up on the screen.

midway through the movie,ryan presses a big fat kiss on brendon's cheek. "revenge twice in a day!" he chirped quietly. brendon just blushed as his heart grew more infatuated with ryan.

after the midway mark,the two boys weren't even watching the movie anymore. they were pressing kisses to each other's cheeks,foreheads,hands,noses,and even ears. it was like young love,but it felt special to brendon. he was sure to treasure tonight forever.

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