i write sins not tragedies

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brendon nervously paced around his room as he awaited a reply,tugging on his hair,scared of what his friend would say.

matty: what do you mean you can't do the dare anymore..?

brendon: listen matty,please don't hate me and please don't tell anybody! please! but i have fallen for ryan. i'm sorry,i really like him. i cant do this dare anymore.

matty: oh..

that's all matty sent since his jealousy side started to get ahold of him. he didn't like brendon or ryan,he knew what would happen though. brendon would leave him. and that was a scary vision. but he would also leave him if he didn't keep his little secret.

brendon: are you mad???

matty: no! not at all!! i will keep your secret,what are best buddies for anyway??

brendon: haha you're right lol :) thank you so much matty!

matty: no problem my boy,stay safe. see you at school tomorrow👋

brendon: bye matty!!

oh how grateful brendon was after the entire conversation. he was so happy,everything in his life was going perfect. he has the best friend anyone could ever ask for and he had the most perfect boyfriend.

needless to say,brendon blinked away sheep and fell into a deep,relaxing sleep.


brendon woke up nice and early so he could pick ryan up after he was done getting ready,which he did in about five minutes.

brendon was wearing a maroon hoodie with tight black jeans and maroon converse. it didn't take him too long to make it to ryan's mini house,he knocked three times and waited patiently.

after about two minutes,ryan finally answered the door. he saw brendon standing there and immediately kissed his cheek. "hey beautiful!" he said very loudly.

brendon touched his cheek and blushed,"hello princess,ready to go?"

"i think i'm ready i think,i know i'm ready i know!" ryan said,causing both the boys to giggle their way to brendon's car. brendon opened the car door for ryan and he got in himself,their little adventure to school beginning.


about five minutes passed and brendon finally parked his car at the back of the schools parking lot. they entered the school holding hands,everyone surprised that the brendon was urie was gay. some girls rolled their eyes because of the jealousy,and some girls cheered them on. but brendon's friends,that didn't include matty since he knew what was going on behind the scenes,were snickering because they thought the dare was still going on.

the two smiled and looked at their locked hands,content with each other. brendon didn't mind his friends because his whole focus was on ryan.

"don't you think they are acting a little too lovey dovey?" josh asked,

"no,he has to make the dare seem real.." matty said disappointed in himself,to which the others nodded.

the second bell rung which meant it was time for them to head to class. ryan and brendon had every class but one together,so seeing each other wasn't too much of a problem.

they entered history while holding hands and smiling. they exchanged cute looks and mini blushes towards each other almost every period.


finally,lunch block came by and the two were holding each other's hands while walking to where ryan usually sat,alone. but that was sure to change today.

brendon sat right next to ryan while wrapping his arm around his shoulder. they forgot to get lunch since they were so deep into each others eyes,whispering sweet little words to each other.

"no you're cuter" "stop it ry you're actually a princess,my princess."

they didn't eat but that was okay,as long as they had each other then everything else would be okay.

the two lovers continued talking about nonsense like aliens and conspiracy theories,until matty came to their table after he got his lunch.

"really brendon? i thought you were still going to sit with us." he said in a very stern and serious voice.

"uh,yeah well uhm..i promised ryan that i would sit with him.." that was a lie,he didn't promise ryan anything. but his presence was better than marty's.

matty roller his eyes and walked away,which ryan took offense to. "am i really that bad?" he said in a depressing tone.

"baby no,he's just..overprotective i guess." which was partially true. matty wasn't the best at not yelling at someone when they didn't talk to him for a while.

ryan nodded,resting his head on brendon's shoulder as brendon started to play with ryan's hair. they were really into their little love trance until the bell rung,signaling the end of lunch. they had one more period to go until the end of the day,not too bad.


hey guys it's sammy,i'm really sorry for the late upload. i've been busy today but i'll update tonight for my absence. sorry if the end of this chapter was boring,the next one will mainly be fluff and drama.

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