Part 1. Club Meeting

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"Okay! Looks as if everyone's here!" Sayori smiled

Monika sat up in her chair, they all were seated in a circle. "Okay everyone, what should we discuss today?"

"Oh! I know!" Natsuki jumped up from her chair, holding up a new manga she had started reading. "It's called 'Atomic Pursuit'! It's about this group of superhuman beings on a mission to successfully end the world, even thought they technically aren't villains! It's reeeeeealy good! And there's a lesbian couple in it! They're so cute together!"

"O-oh wow, sounds i-in-interesting." Yuri stammered. "Ne-never heard of heroes e-ending the world b-be-before, finally, so-something original. Well, here's wh-wha-what I've been reading." Yuri holds up a hardcover book with an image of an eye on it. "Th-the plot's kinda hard t-to explain."

Natsuki observed the cover. "Creepy, definitely looks like something you'd read."

Yuri smiled and blushed, "Yeah, I gu-guess I'm pretty pr-predictable aren't I?"

Natsuki giggled. "Oh Yuri! I only know you so well!" She nudged Yuri's arm.

Yuri suddenly blushed more, she did this often, mainly because she'd always be nervous in front of even a small group of people. That's probably why she never cared for being popular.

Sayori jumped back in. "Well, sounds like you two have books to be occupied with! Always a good thing! Anyway, I feel as if we never do anything different anymore! Any ideas?"

It didn't take long for Natsuki to answer. "I know! We can bake cookies at someone's house! Cookies are always a club favorite!" 

"Good thinking! I say that Monika should host, because she hasn't done so in a while!" Sayori turned towards Monika.

"Sure, I'll do it! When is a good day for all of us?" Monika asked.

"O-oh, I have both d-days open for th-thi-this weekend, li-literally an open book." Yuri stammered.

Natsuki gave the same response. "Same here."

Sayori lit up. "Great! Looks like everyone can come anytime! Would you say the same Monika?"

Monika shrugged. "Any day of the weekend is great for me!"

Sayori squealed "I'm so happy! Okay, tomorrow at 1:00?"

The three other girls nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Let's plan on it!" Sayori smiled as she walked out to go to her next class.

"Well, I better be going." Monika followed Sayori out the door.

"I gu-guess I'd be-better be off." Yuri started out the door, but was stopped.

"Hey Yuri? Can I talk to you about something?" Natsuki asked.

Yuri knew she had to leave, but wanted to help her little, pink haired friend however she could. She started to walk back over. "Sure I gu-guess, what's g-going on?"

Natsuki suddenly spoke quieter. "Well, I've been bullied a lot this week, more than usual. Could you, like, y'know, maybe, I guess, walk with me to class? In case something happens? For some reason, I feel safer with you around."

Yuri blushed again, this was the first time Natsuki said something like this to her. "S-sure, I know w-we are he-headed the same w-way anyway. I'll ke-keep you s-safe, or a-at least try."

Natsuki smiled. "Thanks buddy. It's been worse recently, and I know I'll be less vulnerable will my tall friend Yuri around!" She held Yuri's hand. "Don't take this the wrong way or anything."

Yuri was more than ever surprised now, this wasn't normal Natsuki behavior. "Sh-shall we then?" Yuri began to walk with her to the next class.

As they walked, Yuri became more confused than ever, why was Natsuki all of the sudden inching closer to her? Wanting to hold her hand and such? She knew that the bullying was bad for her, but was it the only reason for this behavior?

This thought consumed Yuri's mind the entire day, she thought about it all through her classes and her free periods. Why was this happening? And why was she feeling different about Natsuki too? Was she different from the rest?

Was this the beginning of something new?

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