Part 11. What Happend After

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Yuri woke up from the hospital bed around 8:45 in the morning. She woke up to see Natsuki in the chair next to her, snoring soundly.

Suddenly, Yuri panicked and nudged Natsuki's arm repeatedly. "Natsuki! Wake up! We'll be late for school!"

Natsuki smiled as she slowly began to wake up. "Don't worry about it, babe. I called the school office last night to tell em we couldn't make it because the doctors want to keep you for a while."

"How long is a while?"

"Probably till later this afternoon."

"So, at least I'm going home today."

"Good to be optimistic."

Yuri and Natsuki talked a little about random things, from manga to horror novels, they had a small chat to just get their minds off this whole hospital thing.

"Natsie, to be honest, I kind of forgot that we were in the hospital."

"Well, I was only so desperate to save your life, that I just somehow knew what to do."

"Thank you, Natsie, although you should have just left me there."

"Yuri, stop. You know I love you more than anything."

Yuri sighed. "You're right, I guess I still feel awful for what happened."

"You don't need to be. All you wanted was to help me, and I respect that."

Throughout the day, nurses tested on Yuri to make sure everything was alright. All test came in positive results, and she would leave with Natsuki around 4:00 in the afternoon.

"I'm glad your results came in on a good note!"

"Me too."

4:00 rolls around, Yuri put on her school clothes, and the doctor was luckily kind enough to drive the girls back around to the school to get Yuri's car. The girls thanked him for helping Yuri and Natsuki left him a $10 tip.

"Mam, you don't tip doctors, you knew that, right?"

"Yeah, but you saved her, and I want to show appreciation. Have a nice rest of your evening!"

The couple got in the car and headed off to Yuri's place.

When they got there, Natsuki had some explicit thoughts flowing through her head.

"Hey, babe? Couple of questions. One, do your parents live here?"

"No, I live on my own."

"I see, and do you have any bandages?"

"No actually, just a few stitches, but the doctor said I didn't need to alter my life in any way. I can take showers and do things like I always have."

Natsuki smirked at Yuri. "No changes in lifestyle, eh? Nothing you can't do?"

"No, not that I'm aware of."

Natsuki started to walk towards the bedroom. "Well, if he said you're free to be normal, then I guess you'll be able to do what I wanna do." She gave Yuri a seductive look and went into the bedroom. She pulled down the window curtains, turned on the lamps by each bedside nightstand. When Yuri walked in, she, quietly and slowly, shut the door.


Natsuki was giving that seductive look again. "Now, lay on the bed."

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