Part 2. Friendly Mistakes

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It was 1:00, the time when the club decided to meet over the weekend for fun. Yuri was 18 now, so she drove herself over to Monika's, but first, she went to pick up Natsuki because she didn't own a car.

She pulled up to the house and texted Natsuki. "Hey, I'm here. You ready?"

Shortly after Yuri texted her, Natsuki came out through the front door, wearing a short sleeve, white tee shirt and a pink, frilly skirt. She was holding onto her arm as if she hurt it. Yuri was concerned about this, but decided to not make her talk about it.

Natsuki hopped into the passenger seat with a pleasant smile on her face, she was happy to see her purple haired friend. "Hey there! How are you doing today?"

"Oh, I'm just fine I guess." Yuri was still confused about the other day, but decided it wouldn't bother her too much now.

Yuri decided to ask about her arm after all when she saw the bruise where she was holding. "Hey Natsuki, what happened to your arm?"

Natsuki was now anxious and hesitant. "Oh, y'know, I uhh, just bruised it on my table, it happens to everyone I guess."

Yuri could sense more to it than that, but decided not to push her to say any more. "Yeah, it happens."

Natsuki never told a soul about her father's abuse. It would happen almost every day, ever since her mother divorced him for a rich business man. He'd hit her, whip her, and throw her around like a rag doll. Most people would reach out for help, or even stand up for themselves, but Natsuki, surprisingly, as the tsundere of the group, kept her mouth shut, and the crime has gone unnoticed ever since.

After the first eight minutes of the car ride, Natsuki repeatedly asked "Are we there yet?" To playfully tease Yuri. Yuri was almost impossible to annoy, and she knew her friend was only kidding with her.

"No, not yet, just have to pull in here, and we're in the neighborhood." Yuri made a turn into the neighborhood, the scenery filled with pleasant trees, and all the houses were painted with soothing colors, it was a nice, quiet place.

"Nice place!" Natsuki watched the young children playing outside, wishing that were her.

"Indeed, and I think this is the place!" Yuri pulled into the driveway, and the girls hopped out of her car. Yuri rang the doorbell, and out to greet them in was a smiling Monika.

"Welcome you two! Come in! Sayori's already getting us set up!" Monika escorted them into her home.

"Geez Monnie, have you redecorated the place? Seems different than the last time we were here." Natsuki observed the bright, modern interior.

"Yes I have actually! It's nice right?" Monika was proud of the new looks.

"Y-yeah, it's great." Yuri stuttered out.

They could see Sayori working her heart out as they proceeded inside. "Hi guys!!! So happy to see you! Let's all get started now that we're all here!"

They all got to work on making the mixture into several circle shapes, and arrayed them on a tray.

When they slid them into the oven, all four of them went to sit in the living room to chat. Natsuki and Yuri sat together on the white couch while Sayori and Monika sat in their own chairs, which were white recliners to match the couch. They had a good small talk, discussing books they've read, shows they've watched, and even boys they liked, well at least Sayori and Monika did, when Yuri was asked, she blushed and said that she wasn't seeing anyone at the moment. But then when it was Natsuki's turn, she blushed and looked to the ground. "Well, not really, but kinda. I know they'll reject me just like that."

Wait, kinda? Yuri was in on it now. Who was she talking about? Why identify the person as they? Yuri thought about asking her to tell more, but saw how uncomfortable she looked, and decided not to push it any farther, at least she was honest.

Just then, a smell of burning smoke arose in the air, the cookies were burning, and no one even noticed.

Sayori freaked out. "Gahhh! Monika! Do you have a fire extinguisher anywhere?"

Monika jumped up from her seat, "Yeah! But it's in the basement, I'll go get it!" And off she went.

Natsuki panicked. "Yuri! What are we supposed to do?!"

All of the sudden, Yuri rushed over back into the kitchen, and pulled them out as the area was filling up with smoke. "Eheh, got em." She held them up, revealing black circles of cookies.


In almost no time, Monika was back with the extinguisher from the basement. "Alright! Everyone back up!" She proceeded to spray the oven with the extinguisher, and the smoke began to die down.

"There, that's better." Monika sighed. 

"Yeah, but you should've seen when Yuri put her fuckin' hands in there to grab em! What kinda guts would you need for that?!" Natsuki exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah, I didn't re-really know what else to do at th-the moment." Yuri looked down at her hands.

Natsuki turned to Yuri. "Aren't you hot Yuri? You're wearing a sweater when it's nearly boiling hot in here!"

Yuri looked down. "O-oh, I guess not." She was a cutter, and would cut her wrists whenever she had the urge, explaining why she always wore long sleeves and full length pants, just so no one would ever be able to see.

The girls just laughed the whole incident off, at least no one was hurt right? When is was about time to go, Yuri and Natsuki got back into the car.

"Hey Yuri?" Natsuki asked


"Can I, like, stay at your place? Like, maybe, spend the night?"

"Oh, uhh, sure I guess, but does your dad know you want to?"

Natsuki looked down at the floor. "Yeah, he said it was alright if you said so."

She was obviously lying, but Yuri never had a sleepover with a friend before, so she thought she would just let her friend stay anyway, it was Saturday after all.

"Thanks buddy. This means a lot actually."

"No problem." But Yuri was confused, it meant a lot? Why?

But Yuri decided, again, not to force her to explain, and started the way home anyway.

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