Part 9. Something's Gone Wrong

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The next day rolls around, the couple gets going with their usual morning routine for school: shower, get dressed, brush hair, brush teeth, eat a small breakfast, and out the door they go. They decided to leave the house a little later so they wouldn't waste so much time waiting around before classes begin.

They left the house at 7:45, ten minutes later, they'd be at the school. This morning, for whatever reason, they just sat in the car at the school parking lot.

"Hey babe, just wanted to tell you, I appreciate the advice you gave me. I never seem confident around people who push me down all the time, but I guess it's about time I change that, right?"

Yuri smiled. "Yes, I'd just like to see you stand up for yourself."

"Yep, probably the only way to get them off my ass for a while."

"I guess so."

They walked inside together, holding hands like no one was watching.

They walked into their club room with a smiling Sayori to greet them inside.

Sayori smirked. "Well, well, well; I guess I finally was the first to arrive after the new love birds!"

Yuri blushed and smiled. "Congrats, I guess. Have you seen Monika yet?"


Natsuki shook her head. "Typical Monnie."

They went off to their first classes: Yuri to History, and Natsuki to English.

During English, one of the guys who bullied Natsuki threw a wadded up paper ball at her; it was the main bully, the head honcho. Natsuki tried not to make a scene of any sort, but it sure was a struggle; she wanted to go back there and strangle him, so badly, but she restrained herself from it. She remembered Yuri's advice, but Yuri wouldn't want her to strangle someone in the middle of English class, would she? When the teacher wasn't looking she turned around and flipped him off, and left it at that. At least, for now.

At lunch, the same three girls sat together.

"So Natsie, how's your day been?"

Natsuki sighed. "Some jackass that picks on me was being a son of a bitch, but that's all so far."

"What did you do about it?"

"Just flipped him off when the teacher wasn't looking."

"See Natsie? I told you; you're a strong woman with powers that can make those bullies cower in fear. I'd just like you to show them who's boss a little; show them what you can do."

At club time, it seemed like a normal meeting, almost. All Sayori wanted to talk about was the relationship between the new couple.

"So, how did you first know that Yuri was the one, Natsuki?"

"Well, I guess time and maturity were the main factors. For years, I always knew something would raise me from the hole I was in, but one day, I just realized, it turned out to be Yuri."

Yuri went next. "Well, when she confessed to me that one day, everything seemed to make sense; I understood those unknown feelings I always had for her, I just felt enlightened, like as if I finally understood my life and my destinies."

The room was silent for a few brief seconds. Then Sayori began again. "Wow Yuri, That was rather poetic in it's own way."

Natsuki kissed Yuri. "I love you, babe."

Yuri smiled. "And I think, I think we are each other's destiny. To love one another, to never leave the other's side. We fit perfectly together, like pieces in a puzzle. The puzzle representing our life, and our possible long-term future together. We put one piece to the puzzle each day, just to get a clearer view of our destiny."

Natsuki blushed. "There you go again with your poetic, metaphorical speeches."

"Sorry, I guess I can get a little carried away."

Sayori laughed. "You're telling me!"

The rest of the school day seemed to be okay, until the very end. Natsuki waited for Yuri to come out the front doors so they could leave, but someone shoved her to the ground from behind.

"That's what you get for that flip off!" The voice was familiar, it was Yuudai, the main bully of the pack that was in her English class.

Natsuki grunted. "Why don't you fuck off, you son of a bitch!"

The other two bullies picked her up in the air. "What are you gonna do to make that happen?" Before she knew it she was slammed onto the grass. She remembered what Yuri said; show them who's boss. Show them what you can do.

Just like that, she got back up, pissed as hell, and went up to Yuudai. "This!" And punched him straight across the face. She pinned him to the ground and started punching him, slapping, and banging his head on the concrete. The other two guys decided to make a run for it before they got caught. Natsuki didn't care about being caught, she was showing him who's boss.


Natsuki wasn't sure, nor paying attention, but she thought she could hear people around her cheering for her. They cheered "Natsuki! Natsuki! Natsuki!" And "Finish him! Finish him! Finish him!"

Before she made her final attack, she looked down at him and smirked. "Looks like I'm the alpha now, you dickhead!" And then she banged his head against the concrete as hard as she could, then punched him in the nose, causing it to break and bleed.

She stood up as the people around her roared with cheer, whistled, and clapped. She was so proud of herself,

But those feelings came to a screeching halt.

She saw Yuri, who saw everything, standing at the front doors in complete shock, rather horrified by what she just saw, then swiftly ran back inside.

Natsuki went in to follow her. "WAIT! YURI! PLEASE! I CAN EXPLAIN!"

Yuri went back into the empty club room, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Why did I let her do that? I knew she was a powerful person, but why did I say those things? Why did I let this happen? Oh God, it's all my fault. I didn't think she'd take me seriously. Oh God..."

Natsuki suddenly burst open through the door. "Babe! I'm so sorry about what I did! I'm so sorry about what you had to see! I don't know what it me! Babe, please forgive me! I'm sorry!"

Yuri then picked up her pocket knife. "No," she whispered.

"I'm sorry."


I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!
I'm tagging -too-many-musicals- so she can find this update :)

Anyways, hope you enjoy! There's much more to come!

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