Chapter 1 - Welcome To Sonny's Dean.

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 We get home and there is a police car. We all go inside. Sitting in the living room was Sonny, the police officer, and a new boy, the boy had nice green eyes from what I could tell, I saw him glance at me, smirk a bit then pretend he was surprised to see a girl here.

"I thought you said this was boys only." The boy says.

"I'm the exception." I say tossing my bag off to the side. I tell my group to go outside while I tell the inside group the chores.

"Hey." Sonny says catching my attention as I was on my way out. I turn and walk into the living room the boy was sitting there handcuffed still, the police officer left; he must've been mean to the officer.


"Can you pick the handcuffs? You do it faster than me." I grab my pick lockers from my pocket and I pick the boys handcuffs tossing them to the side.

"There." I say.

"She's much better at this. Always knows how to pick the lock to anything."

"Pretty much yeah."

"He's with your group outside alright." Sonny says.

"Alright Sonny, I'll keep him with me, while I pair everyone up."

"Always thinking. Now go work."

The boy follows me. Xzavier was talking with Zander. They are twins. They both have black hair with light brown eyes; the way I tell them apart is the birth marks. Zander has one on his neck. While Xzavier has one on his arm, plus their voices. I saw Eli talking with Zack, while Avery and Adam talked. Eli has nice light brown hair and light blue eyes, while Zack had dark brown hair with dark brown eyes. Adam has blonde hair with brown eyes. Avery has dirty blonde with brown eyes. I look at the boy next to me; he has nice brown hair with beautiful green eyes. I keep them paired up with who they were talking with. I look to the boy with green eyes.

"You're with me green eyes. Let's go." I liked working in the barn, it had a bunch of nice tools I liked touching for no reason. I liked feeling the rust and the coldness of them.

"Dean." He says.

"Hm?" I say turning to look at him as we head to the barn.

"My name is Dean." I stop walking and hold out my hand.

"I'm (Y/N)." I say with a soft smile.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you too Dean. Come on. Sonny hates when we don't have chores done by dinner." We head into the barn, and there I start feeling the tools again, the coldness and rust feel they have to themselves feel amazing under my touch.

"(Y/N)?" Dean asks. I turn and look at him.


"What do you want me to do?"

"Oh yeah, sorry um. He mostly likes the barn to be cleaned, which doesn't take long seeing how we don't use the tools much, or the barn." I say.

"Oh alright, should we go help the others?" He asks. I turn and look at him.

"Or I can ask Sonny if I can show you the graveyard."

"Oh Okay." We head back to the house. Sonny tells us to be back by dinner. I look at my watch; it's 2 hours from now. Normally we finish our chores and we just hang out. Dean follows behind me as we head to the graveyard. It's far in the woods behind Sonny's. We get there; it's an old graveyard. I walk through the graves looking at each gravestone like I've done a hundred times. Dean watched me from a distance.

"Dean." I say.


"How long do you think you will be here?" I ask looking up at him. He shrugs.

"Till my dad comes and gets me I guess."

"Why are you here if you have a family?" I ask confused.

"It's complicated."

"Complicated is my middle name." I glance away from him back towards the grave searching for one that I always seem to loss where it's placed. I find it in the far corner. The grave read 'Here lies Melissa Wicks 1956- 1960' She was only 4 years old.

"(Y/N)? Whose grave is that?" I hear Dean ask.

"Melissa Wicks, born March 14th, 1956, died November 21st, 1960." I say. I look at Dean who sighs softly. I walk over to him sitting down next to him outside the fence for the graveyard. It was chilly out here in the woods; of course I forgot my coat in my bag at the house.

"You look cold, do you want my hoodie?" I hear Dean ask. I look at him.

"I mean, if you don't mind."

"I'm wearing a thick long sleeve shirt, I'll be fine." Dean takes his hoodie off and hands it to me as I slide it on feeling warm already, I feel the warmth he put in it, then the smell, wow, he smells good.

"So, about the question earlier, did your old man ditch you or something?" I ask.

"I was caught stealing food. My dad said I could rot there, then the officer brought me to
sonny's my dad doesn't really care what happens to me actually. So."

"Oh, that sucks."

"Why are you here?" Dean asks. I laugh a bit.

"You heard Sonny earlier, I good at pick locking things."

"That just says you've probably broken into places."

"I only did it to survive. I ran away when I was 14. I've been on the run since. I then came into the town, broke into the wrong house, ended up here since then. It's a nice place." I say with a shrug.

"Well, I'll grow to like it." Dean says. I look at him and smile. I glance at my watch; it's 40 minutes till dinner.

"We should head back, dinner is in 40 minutes, we have to wash up and help." I say standing up.

"How many are here?"

"15 now." I say.


"We have Xzavier, Zander, Adam, Avery, Zack, Eli, Ben, Lewis, Alex, Tristen, Jackson, Chase, Me, and now you."

"That's only 14." Dean says.

"Jacob, Sonny's son. He doesn't do chores; he helps cook the food for all of us."

"Oh." I end up tripping hurting my ankle. Dean puts me on his back we talk heading back.

"Are you named after anyone?" I ask Dean.

"Yeah, my grandmother Deanna, she passed away though, what about you?"

"(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N). I'm not named after anyone."

"Nice." Dean says. We get to the house.

"What happened to you?" Sonny asks.

"I twisted my ankle badly, it hurts."

"We will get it checked out after dinner if you like? I'll have Jacob drive you." I look at Jacob, who looks up from his book about dragons, his hair falls into his eyes as he blows it out of his face a bit.

"Yeah sure. Can Dean come?"

"If he wants then sure." I look at Dean who nods his head. We all sit down and eat dinner.

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