Chapter 5 - Promises.

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(Long One Sorry)

So now it's just me and Sonny in this house, after Timmy was adopted, I decided to move in full time with Sonny so he wasn't alone. I had the room that I had while I was growing up there. I liked the room had a nice view of the back yard from one window and a glimpse of the pathway to the barn out of the next window. But right now I'm sitting on the swing, my phone playing 'YALA (Bro Safari & Valentino Khan Remix)' by Mia, it was hooked up to the radio a few yards away from me Sonny had run to the store and I was sitting on the swing thinking back to when I was younger, which I seem to do a lot when I'm alone, my flashbacks are mostly about Dean and I, or me and the other boys that lived here while I grew up.

Sometimes I'd think about my father, and how I let him down, I'd think about my mom and how it hurt when she died, and how I never got to say goodbye to her, and how I gave my father the worst goodbye ever as he was dying there on the gurney. I was afraid to be alone, so I did the thing I did best when I was scared. I lied. I lied to my dying father, what child does that? I feel bad for lying, but I was scared, I was losing my father, I already lost my mom I was scared of him leaving me. I even lied to Dean; I lied to him before he left. 

I made him promise me he'd always be there for me, he made me promise the same thing, but I knew while we were sitting there in the Cemetery I wanted out. I wanted out of this terrible life, I would do anything to die and be with my parents, with people that I missed. I made him promise me he'd always be strong and not take the easy way out, but here I was thinking about taking the easy way out. I'd lie and be a hypocrite to everyone, I told them things they needed to hear to feel better, when I'm doing the same exact thing I tell them not to do.

~Flash Back~

Dean and I were sitting in the cemetery. I was sitting next to Melissa Wicks grave stone. Dean was sitting next to Alexis Wicks; they were twins, born the same day, died the same day. I wonder what happened to them, made me sad to think about poor defenseless little ones dying.

"(Y/N)?" I hear Dean ask. I glance up at him.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"When I leave, promise you will come with me." Dean says.

"Yeah of course." I say with a big smile. He leans forward and kisses my forehead.

"(Y/N), if we ever do get separated, will you wait for me?" Dean asks after we sit in silence for a while. I take a deep breath.

"Always Dean, I'll wait for you as long as you wait for me."

"I promise I will wait for you, and I will bring you with me wherever I go when I come back, as long as you promise to come with me when I leave here."

"Of course Winchester." Then a few days later we were sitting next to a different set of grave stones, they both died by suicide

"At times I want to kill myself." I hear Dean whisper.

"Promise me you'll always be strong and not take the easy way out." I say quietly. I'm making him promise me something that I know I won't ever promise to anyone.

"I promise, as long as you promise the same thing and to always keep fighting." Dean says this was the first time I'd ever made a lie during a promise with him.

"I promise." I said quietly.

"(Y/N), please, I can't take the thought of me leaving here and then finding out you died..." Dean says.  He knows he's gonna get out of here before I do, hell we all know that Dean and all the other boys will leave this place before I do... Hell even I know... A few days later it was the night of the dance. I put on my black dress that was strapless that covered a little bit of my walking cast, my hair was done up nicely, I was doing Dean's tie, Sonny showed up and said his father had shown up and that was the last time I thought I'd see Dean as he left Sonny's place.

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