Chapter 10 - Why Are You Here?

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"Dean!" I shriek.

"What are you doing in my bathroom?!" I ask.

"I... I'm sorry for what Sam did, I'm sorry for not chasing after you. I'm sorry for thinking that maybe if I came back again you'd want to try again. I'm sorry if I ruined anything."

"Let me finish washing up, then we will talk." I say with a huff.

Dean nods his head. He stands up then leaves closing the bathroom door behind him. I huffed softly and I close the shower curtain again as I go back to washing my hair. I got the paint out, I then washed out my hair with conditioner. I washed my body with lavender body soap. I got out drying my hair standing in my bathroom naked, water running down my body, I finished drying off. I looked at myself in the mirror; my black hair was falling in waves, with strands of purple and blue. I combed my hair out. I put on my bra then my undies putting on my shirt and my black jeans. Even though Dean and I dated, we never had intercourse. I opened the door from my bathroom. Dean was staring at a picture. I noticed it was a picture of me, my brother, dad, and mom. I was hesitant.

"Who's that?" Dean

"My brother, he died." I say sitting down.

"So, you have a blood brother that is dead, then 4 adoptive brothers?" Dean asks.

"I have a family... That's all I wanted, was a family." I say quietly. I didn't know Dean had called Sam while I was in the shower. I saw his phone sitting on my bookshelf. I thought nothing of it, he always had his phone on my things while we talked, he didn't want to get distracted.

"We were a family..." Dean says.

"Sam didn't want me around... You said I should've stayed in my dream world, I would've died."

"(Y/N)... I never meant it that way, and I'm sure Sam wants you around."

"He hates me Dean." I say. I stand up walking downstairs. I saw Jacob standing there.

"Jacob!" I scream. Jacob turns I run and jump into his arms his arms wrap around me.

"Oh my god! Little bug!" Jacob says hugging me tightly. I hear chuckling.

"I see you missed each other." Sonny says. Jacob puts me down.

"You will not believe who I ran into on the way here." Jacob says.


"Well, Well, little bug has grown." I hear someone say. I turn to see Tristen standing there, his blonde hair was now black with frost blue tips, his light brown eyes have darken over the years.

"Tristen." I whisper. I run and jump up wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Hey little bug." He says kissing my nose.

"I can't believe you're here... Before you left you said you would never come back..."

"I heard my little bug lived here still, of course I had to come back." He puts me down kissing my forehead. I punch him softly in the shoulder.

"You jerk, I was heartbroken."

"You were still hung up on that Dean Kid; I figured you'd be fine."

"Dean, Sam. You two should see the dance (Y/N) and Tristen came up when they were 17." Sonny says.

"Sonny, we don't have the song." Tristen says.

"I got it covered." Jacob says. Tristen and I glare at him. He smirks.

"So (Y/N), what you say?" Tristen says pulling on my hand pulling me towards him.

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