Chapter 13 - You Have A Bunker?

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"Hey, why you walking alone?" Dean asks.

"Just thinking." I say with a shrug.

"Well, get in, I'll drive you home, Sonny has been looking for you." Dean says. I nod my head, where was Sam? I got into the passenger seat. Dean drove me to my house. Dean turns the car off.

"Thanks for the ride Dean." I say with a whisper.

"Don't mention it." Dean says. I get out of the car. I walked up the stairs. I hear a car door open and close. I turned, Dean was standing there. I walked inside. Dean followed behind me. I walked upstairs into my room. Sitting next to my door was Sam. He was half asleep.

"Sam?" I ask. He sits up quickly. His eyes fall on me.

"Hey, hey, you're back. Sonny and Dean were looking for you." Sam says with a yawn.

"Yeah, Dean found me."

"That's good..." Sam says falling asleep a bit.

"Come on Sam; let's get you into something softer." I helped him up then walked him to the game room where there was a comfy couch. I lay him down then cover him up, his snores fill the room. I close to the door, I checked my brother's rooms, and they were asleep. I walked in and covered them up. I walked out of their room. Sonny was behind me, he hugged me tightly. I hugged back.

"Sorry for taking off like that." I say.

"It's fine, I'm gonna get some sleep, Dean is downstairs, talk with him." Sonny heads off to his room. I walked downstairs; Dean was sitting at the table, nursing a beer bottle, his eyes trained on the table.

"Dean?" I whisper his name.

"I remember us sitting here until 4 in the morning talking about our future. I remember thinking how I wanted to stay here forever, with you, forever." Dean turns to look at me, his cheeks were stained with tears, and more tears were in his eyes. I felt a pain in my heart. I walked forward. Dean set his beer down on the table then pulled me towards him onto his lap, he cried into my shoulder.


"I want you back, please... I need you." Dean says. I rubbed his shoulder; I was trying to calm him down.

"Dean... I'll come back. But, I will be having my brothers over as often as I want." I say. He laughs a bit.

"Alright. I'm alright with that." Dean and I went upstairs into my room.

We both lay in my bed holding hands. I stared at the ceiling, my head resting on his chest. I felt happy again. He kissed my forehead; we fell asleep like that, my head on his chest, his arm around my waist, his other arm by his side as he held my hand. I felt comfortable by him; I didn't know what I would do without him. I liked being around him. We wake up to happy squeals coming from my doorway. I groaned at the sun flooding through my window. 

Dean and I had shifted in the bed, I was laying fully on him, and my head rested tucked under his chin, his arms were wrapped around me holding me against him. I turned my head; standing in the doorway was my brothers, Sam, and Sonny. They all had huge grins on their face. I smiled at them then shooed them away. They closed the door, but Sam closed my window curtain to let darkness settle back into my room. I looked up at Dean; his green eyes were opened a bit. I kissed his forehead.

"Go back to sleep." I say tiredly. He nods his head then pulls the blanket up over us, I cuddled into him, we slept until my brother Dylan came and woke us up.

"Get up! Sam wants to leave." Dylan says leaning on the door frame.

"Dylan, it's 8 in the morning, why would he want to leave now?" I groan rolling onto my side facing my little brother standing in the doorway.

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