Chapter 8 - Back At The Bunker.

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Dean bought in a pair of my black sweatpants, a red flannel with my bra and handed me them. I put them on to change from the hospital gear. I had to be wheeled in the wheelchair even if I could walk. I wasn't talking much. Dean pulls up the car. I get in the back. There was a big stuffed bear in the back with me.

"For me?" I whisper out.

"Yeah." Dean says.

I lay down on it and I break down crying. Dean wants me in some fake world then with him. I hug the big teddy bear curling up in a ball, how is it even fitting in the back? It's huge. It's like 8 feet and it was black. We get to the bunker. Dean carries me. Sam carries my bear. Sam sets the bear on the floor next to the table so they could do research and make sure I was okay. Dean laid me on the bear then put a blanket over me. I mumbled 'I can help' as I was falling asleep.

"No, it's fine, we got this, relax baby girl." Dean says. I smile then I close my eyes. I wake up to them talking about some stupid vampire nest that another hunter could handle. I stretch then whimper in pain. My neck and body still aches. Dean was at my side in an instant.

"I'm fine, just body still aches a bit." I say.

"Sam, we can finish telling hunters where to go later, for now let's watch a movie with (Y/N)." Dean picks me up as Sam picks up the bear. The bear is now my new favorite seat and bed. We go into Dean's room. I picked the movie 'Harry Potter' my favorite was Hermione.

"You remind us of our dead friend Charlie." Sam says.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask worried.

"No no, it's just she was a geek, loved Hermione."

"I bet she was beautiful, I wish I had met her." I say.

"Us too." They both say.

I was sitting on the floor my bear sitting up as I was sitting on it. I was watching the movie. Dean was sitting next to me holding my hand. Sam was sitting up on the bed. I fell asleep watching the movie I wake up and I'm back in the room with Sam and Dean at the table. I was in Dean's hoody and his sweat pants, socks on my feet as I was covered in two blankets. I sit up wincing slightly.

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask.

"A day and a half." Sam says. Dean was asleep at the table.

"De." I say. He sits up quickly. His eyes fall on me. He walks over and lies on the air mattress that was placed next to the teddy bear. I looked at him and I held his hand, he fell asleep holding my hand.

"Dean hasn't left your side since you've been back." Sam says.

"Really?" I ask. Sam nods his head. I remove my hand from Dean's. He opens his eyes.

"De, it's fine, I'm just gonna sit at the table and eat, get some sleep." I say kissing his forehead then I covered him up in a blanket. His snores filled the room.

"Dean really does love you (Y/N)." Sam says.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask. Sam nods his head.


"The night he left Sonny's when he was 16, I was so mad at him, but if I knew anything about that damn Winchester was he kept his promises. He promised he'd be back for me. He came back, but I was scared he didn't remember the promise to bring me with him. I saw how happy he was when he saw you Sam, I couldn't and I wouldn't take that away from him again. I saw an actual smile come to his face when he saw you leaning out the back of that car. I made him go, it went against everything in me, but I wasn't gonna be selfish."

"Wait... How much did you sacrifice for me?" Sam asks. I looked down at my hands.

"Sam, it doesn't matter." I whisper.

"Yes it does, how much did you sacrifice?" He asks a bit more angrily and more demanding to know.

"My happiness, the first boy that actually cared about how I felt, the first one to actually like me for me, and not the person I was faking to be." I whisper. I saw sadness come to his face.

"I am so sorry (Y/N)..." Sam says.

"Don't be Sam." I say standing up.

"(Y/N)..." Sam begins.

"Just drop it alright, and please don't tell Dean." I say.

Sam nods his head. I look at Dean sleeping on the floor. I walk off to my room. I sat on my bed. I started to read a book. I hear a knock on my door. I look up to see Sam standing there. He was looking at his feet.

"Sam? Is everything alright?" I ask setting my book to the side; I've never seen Sammy upset before. Seeing the sadness and anger in his eyes at the same time made me upset and angry.

"Why didn't you ever tell me or Dean?" Sam asks.

"Tell you what?" I ask. I glanced at his hand, I noticed my phone in his hand. My heart jumped to my throat, what did he see? I was worried. He leaves after throwing my phone.

"Sam!" I yell after him. I run out of my room. I saw him walking up the stairs leaving the bunker. Dean was standing up looking at me then Sam.

"(Y/N)? Sam?" Dean asks.

"Samuel!" I yell running up the bunker stairs. I open the door. Sam was walking to the impala. I ran and stood in front of the car. I glanced to my left to see Dean was standing there eyes wide.

"Move (Y/N)." Sam says angrily.

"No." I say a bit breathless.

"(Y/N)." Dean says warningly.

"Move. Right. Now. (Y/N)." Sam says.

"No! Let me explain! Why won't you let me explain?" I scream at him. He gets out of the car slamming the door his eyes stared at me.

"Explain to me, why the fuck you were texting someone named Tristen that you want to leave?" Sam yelled at me. I looked at Dean I saw sadness come to his face. I looked back at Sam. I saw anger and sadness mix in his eyes.


"(Y/N)..." I hear Dean say.

"Ever since the damn hospital, when he asked me why I didn't stay in the dream he's been distant, even before I left Sonny's he told me to stay at Sonny's. Why stick around when you're not wanted?" I ask.

"(Y/N)... That..." Dean says.

"Yeah, why do you?" Sam asks. I flinch at his words. I walk into the bunker. I hear Dean Growl at Sam. I go into my room slamming the door behind me. I started packing my bag. I hear my door open.

"(Y/N), please don't go." I hear Dean say. I turn to face him, and the face I saw broke my heart, he had sadness in his eyes, his eyes were glossed over by tears he didn't want to cry. I walked over to him and I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Sammy wants me to go; I guess I can sacrifice losing you again so Sam can be happy." I say. He was looking at me closely.

"(Y/N)..." Dean says.

"Bye Dean..."I kissed him one last time. I picked up my bag and I walked past him. I saw Sam stand up from the table.

"(Y/N)..." Sam starts.

"Take care of Dean." I say.

I walk up the stairs. I turn to look at them. I walked out the door. I got into my car and I drove.

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