Chapter 4 - Hello Dean.

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(There is a time jump between Chapter 3 and Chapter 4) There is not much that happened so. Anyways Again, sorry with how choppy it all is, I'm trying, taking things here adding things here, and so on. Age is already set for this story sorry!

I'm 20 now, all the boys that lived there when I was 16 are 21, most are in college, some are working jobs a few towns over, and some are still searching for Xzavier. We got new boys that didn't stay long because they would get adopted already, and we have 3 boys that have been here for a long time. I was playing my guitar; I was the only female around here, but I didn't live there, I lived by myself in an apartment in town, but I figured might as well move out and live with Sonny in his place, seeing how I'm there a lot to help him out with the 3 boys. Jacob Sonny's son was in college. Maxwell, Radek, and Timmy were doing chores, Timmy comes running into the house crying, he runs past Sonny and ran straight to me, I set my guitar to the side; he runs and jumps into my arms crying.

"Hey Timmy, what happened?" I ask looking down at him.

"Radek and Maxwell." He says in broken sobs. I past Timmy over to Sonny.

"Come on Timmy; wanna ride with me to the store?" Timmy likes going to the store with Sonny. Sonny always gets Timmy some candy. Timmy nods his head.

"I'll talk with Maxwell and Radek." I say.

"Yeah, by the way, I have two guys coming over Dean and Sam Winchester." I nod my head. Why did those names sound familiar? I walk outside to find Maxwell and Radek.

"Maxwell! Radek! Where are you idjits at now?" I yell outside from the porch.

They come from hiding. Their eyes go to my chest. I was wearing a black tank top and black shorts. It was summer but I wear black year round, black was my favorite color. I'd always wear the necklace Dean gave me. It was a small chain necklace that had a half moon with a full moon that had blue and purple and black in it that made it look like a galaxy, it was beautiful, I never tell anyone where I got it because thinking about Dean brought back memories, but I've actually forgotten about Dean.

"What did you do to Timmy?" I ask with my arms crossed. Then I see a broken toy in Maxwell's hand.

"Nothing." They both say.

"You broke his toy?!" I yell at them ripping it from their hands.

"You both get Timmy's chores for the rest of the week, do you understand me?" I grab them both by the ears dragging them inside. Sonny looks at us.

"What did they do this time?"
"Broke Timmy's toy."

"They get Timmy's chores and yours for the rest of this month." Sonny glances at the boys. I send them upstairs to clean their rooms. I also try to keep an eye on them with the recent deaths. Sonny and Timmy leave. I hear a car pull in.

"Maxwell! Radek! I'm gonna be outside!" I yell up the stairs.

"Whatever hot stuff!" I hear Radek yell downstairs.

I roll my eyes, they are 16, I'm 20, them hitting on me, was very annoying. I open the door heading outside, I see a Chevy Impala, why does it look so familiar, and then I remember. Dean leaving, Sam in the back seat, the dance. I glance down at my leg that is again in walking cast because it is broken, along with my ankle. I walk over to them.

"(Y/N)?" Dean asks.

"Do I know you?" I ask with the tilt of my head.

"Dean Winchester, I was here when I was 16."

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