Chapter 11 - I'm Staying Here.

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I hear knocking on my door.

"(Y/N)?" It was Sam's voice.

"Samuel?" I ask confused. What was he doing at my bedroom door?

"May I come in for a second?" He asks. I walked over to my door opening it a bit, he was standing by himself, his hazel eyes were watching me closely

"Just you?" I ask. He nods his head. I open my door more letting him in. I close my door behind him. I walk back towards my bed; he looks at the fallen chair.

"(Y/N)." Sam starts.

"Did Dean send you?" I ask.

My back towards him as I picked up the letterman jacket laying it neatly on my bed feeling in pockets for any letters. I find a picture and written on the back said. 'To my dearest (Y/N), I know my dad will probably show up tonight, he always ruins my happiest moments, I hope you know, I will stay. I hope you find this after I leave, and if I don't leave tonight, I hope I get this back before you read it. I love you (Y/N), I always will, even if we're miles apart, even if you hate me. I will still love you. –Love Dean.' I set the picture down looking at it for a second, it was me and Dean walking down the road, his arm around me as my head rested against his arm, I was wearing my shorts and bikini top, we were all heading to the lake that day. I smiled.

"No, Dean didn't send me; he doesn't even know I'm up here." Sam says.

"Are you trying to fuck me Samuel?" I ask, a small smile play at my lips, I turn my head a bit to look at him. His cheeks were red, his eyes wide. I chuckle a bit.

"No. I-I. D-Dean. W-would." Sam was stuttering.

"I'm just playing Sammy." I say. His jaw wasn't as clenched as it was when I called him Samuel. I saw hope flood his eyes. I turned fully to look at him.

"I never meant for you to leave. Dean hated me, he still hates me probably. I was just so angry, we had gotten back and you wanted to leave us."

"I didn't feel wanted Samuel, and what you said proved that I wasn't really wanted and that I shouldn't stick around." I say with a small smile. I saw hope slowly leave his eyes.

"Does that mean you're not coming back?" He asks. His voice small and weak. I sigh softly looking at how broken Sammy looks.

"I have a family here Sammy... I have brothers, a dad, sure I don't have a mom, but hey I can survive without I mom. Trust me, I love Dean so fucking much, I also think of you as a brother... But..."

"But what (Y/N)?" Sam asks.

"I don't belong with Dean." I whisper out. Sam's eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks.

"Dean loved me when we were teenagers sneaking off to the barn to talk about what we wanted to do, what we would do if we were given a second chance at a better life, the teenager that wasn't afraid to punch my fake brothers here. But now, I wouldn't think about hurting my brothers, plus Dean doesn't want a weak girl. He needs someone better than me." I say with a shrug. Sam glanced past me.

"What's that?" Sam asks. I see he was staring at Dean's letterman jacket and the picture sitting neatly on top of the jacket. A small smile comes to my lips.

"That's Dean's letterman jacket, plus the picture of us walking to the lake down the road."

"You kept his letterman jacket?" Sam asks.

"He gave it to me the night of the dance, saying he wanted me to wear it, but we didn't get the chance to go to the dance." I say with a small shrug.

"(Y/N), why did you keep it?" Sam asks.

"Because... Dean wanted me to have it; I didn't wanna give it away." I say.

"Why not just date Dean while being here?" Sam asks.

"Sam, he didn't want me before, what makes you so sure he wants me know?" I ask.

"Because, all he talked about after you left was how much he hated me for driving his happiness away, how much he wished I had left and not you. How he wanted you back, to see you walk through the bunker door, as if you just made a run to get food. How he wanted to hug you and say he's sorry a million times." Sam says.

"Why are you telling me things and not Dean?" I ask looking at him.

"Dean isn't telling you because Dean is downstairs in the impala, he told me to say my goodbyes, and he knows you aren't coming back with us." Sam says. I sigh softly.

"Goodbye Sam." I say giving him a hug.

"Goodbye." He says quietly. Hoping he wouldn't have to say goodbye.

He hugs back then walks down the stairs. I watch him walk out the door. I walked into the kitchen where my brothers were playing a card game. I laugh and smile with them as I sit down they deal me in. I looked at Dad who looked at me then looked away from me. I was laughing and playing cards with them. Later that night, I had slipped out of the house I was sitting in the graveyard. I was wearing Dean's letterman jacket. I sat next to my birth father's grave. I closed my eyes letting out a shaky breath. I looked up at the sky.

"I know you guys are probably wondering the hell is going on and what I'm doing, why aren't I going back to Dean. I'm not sure what to do; Dean is probably at home right now, while Sam sets him up with some girl. I just want him happy, I want to be happy..." I sighed softly, feeling a nice breeze go by me. I closed my eyes resting my head on the gravestone. 

"I miss you both, I love you both." I stand up rubbing the gravestone before walking back towards the house. I sat on my bed. I hear a knock at my door. I stand up walking over; standing there was Brock with his cellphone, tears streaming down his cheek. I tilted my head confused.

"Brock, what happened?" I ask.

"It's Mindy... She got into a car accident... Mindy is dead." My eyes widen. I grab a hold of my door leaning on it for support. I fall into Brock's arms screaming and crying it's not fair. Mindy was my best friend, her younger sister was dating Brock. I hear doors and footsteps. I was picked up in Brock's arms still crying.

"What is going on?" I hear our dad ask.

"Mindy got into a car accident dad, she's dead." I hear Brock whisper. 

I cling tighter to Brock.The rest of the night I clung to Brock while crying. He kept rubbing my back saying soothing words. I fell asleep, when I woke up. Brock was asleep. I climb out of bed, we go among things, not talking too much, all of us still coming to grips that Mindy is dead, a few days later it's Mindy's funeral, the whole town is there, I stood dressed in my short black dress, with Dean's letterman Jacket on. I was leaning against Mindy's boyfriend for support since Brock was helping his girlfriend, Mindy's little sister. 

Mindy and Kevin had been dating for a while. Almost 2 years actual, when they lowered Mindy's casket into the ground, I lost it. Kevin had to hold me tighter so I wouldn't fall to the ground. Later that day, Kevin and I were sitting in Mindy's bedroom, not even a week ago; Kevin, Mindy, and I were all sitting here laughing at some stupid movie on TV. But now, her bedroom seems so lifeless and empty without her in it. Kevin and I walked to his house first since it was just a road away from Mindy's house. I gave him a tight hug before he walked inside. I smiled at him a bit. He gave me a tighter hug before he let go.

"Thanks for being there (Y/N); I know how close you and Mindy were." Kevin says.

"Yeah, and Kevin, call me anytime, okay." He nods his head then goes inside. I walk back to my house. I go upstairs into my room, sitting on my bed. I fall asleep hugging my pillow, I cried silently into the pillow; too much is going on right now. To make things worse, my dad Sonny has been talking with Dean. I didn't know of course, I never knew this, not until Dean, Sam, and my brothers showed up to my concert.

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