Chapter 9 - Back To Sonny's.

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I got back to Sonny's. I saw his truck was parked where it always ways. I walked into the house. I looked into the living room. A boy that looked very cute was sitting there watching TV with Sonny. They were watching football.

"(Y/N)?" Sonny asks when he sees me. The guy turns his head and looks at me.

"So this is (Y/N), she's kinda cute." The guy says.

"Brock." Sonny warns.

"Nice to meet you Brock."

"(Y/N), this is your new adoptive brother."

"How old are you?" I ask.


"So only 2 years younger than me." I say. I sat down with them.

"(Y/N), why don't you get to know Brock more?" I turn to look at Brock.

"You ever saw the graveyard out back?" I ask. His eyes widen.

"No." He says. I stand up.

"Come on, I think it's only fair if I show you."

"Okay, lead the way big sister." He says. We walk out back to the graveyard. I sat next to the grave that I put for my birth father. Brock was looking at all the gravestones looking at the names. He saw the one I use to sit next to, Melissa Wicks, the 4 year old.

"What you do to get suckled in Sonny's place and become his son?" I ask.

"I got caught stealing from the wrong house 2 years back. The officer said, he'd send me to Sonny's since Sonny didn't have any kids and his son and adopted daughter both were out living their lives, Sonny adopted me as his when my father died on a hunting accident, been here since."

"Hunting accident? Gun misshapes?" I ask.

"Vampire, but you probably don't believe that."

"My dad died because of a werewolf." I say. He looks at me.

"So you were raised in the hunting life?" He asks.

"Mhm, my mom died, dad wanted revenge, ruined my life in the process. I ran away when I was 14, got caught breaking in the wrong house. Ended up here at 15, lived here since I was 20, left when I was 20, came back today."

"Why did you come back now?" He asks.

"My boyfriend, his brother didn't want me around, so I left." We ended up walking back when it got closer to dinner time. Sonny was cooking food we kept getting in his way. We were like a dysfunctional family. A dad, two kids and a terrible back story, I later find out, Sonny adopted another 2 boys that were at a friend's house that night named Colin and Dylan. I was the oldest, Dylan was 16, and Colin was 15.

"I want that plate!" I yell as Brock goes to take it.

"Sorry big sis, I get it." Brock says.

"Brock let your sister have it." Sonny says.

"But dad!" Brock yells.

"Brock." Sonny says warningly.

I stick my tongue out at him. He glares at me. We all sat down to eat, the next day. I got to meet Dylan and Colin, we all got along great. Neither Dean nor Sam messaged me or tried to contact me for a few weeks. Then one day the randomly show up. Sonny had gotten us all water guns and gave us each 4 buckets to fill with water. We all make up a plan. I hid in a tree.
A bucket of water hanging from big branches.

 The leaves kept me hidden. I would see Colin and Dylan run by. I would hit them with water but they never catch on. It was about 5 minutes, I saw none run by. I jumped down grabbing my buckets and I ran to a new hiding spot getting shot many times. I laugh and I dive into my hiding spot. We all come out with our buckets and start shooting each other with water.

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