Chapter 3 - Goodbye Dean

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He picks up Jacob's guitar and I teach him how to play the guitar. He was a fast learner, faster than Jacob. A few days later, I was sitting in the graveyard, Dean was finishing his chores, and I didn't have any chores seeing how I have a broken ankle. I hear footsteps. I glance up to see Dean walking into the graveyard, I was sitting next to a new one, this time it was in the front corner so I can see who enters the graveyard.

"Hey." I say with a smile.

"Hey." He says sitting next to me.

"I have a question."

"Alright ask."

"Will you be my date to the dance?"

"Yeah of course." I say with a big smile. 

He kisses me on the lips softly like he always does. We both walk down the pathway to the graveyard A few days later Dean is getting ready to go on dance with me, I'm in a walking cast, but still he asked me. All the boys were going. I was sitting helping Dean tie his tie.

"Stop moving." I hiss at him.

"Sorry, I've never actually been to a dance."

"Well you won't go if your tie is looking terrible." I say. He laughs. Sonny walks in.

"Hey Dean, Hey (Y/N)." Sonny says.

"Hey Sonny." Dean and I say at the same time.

"You look great Dean." I noticed the tone in Sonny's voice, I've heard the tone so many times, that was the tone of 'You're leaving buddy'

"Yeah I've never actually been to a dance." Dean says excited.

"Yeah about that, your dad is outside; I've tried to talk him out of it saying it's an important night for you. He said he has a job to do, he said you'd know what that meant." Sonny says. We both glance out the window, to see his little brother leaning out the window staring up at the building, he looked 12, and then Dean looks at me sadly.

"(Y/N)..." Dean says.

"Go, its family." I walk with Dean down the stairs. We both walk to the car; he stops next to his brother's window.

"Sammy, this (Y/N), the most wonderful girl you will ever meet." Dean says introducing me to Sam, his little brother.

"Hello (Y/N)." Sam says.

"Hey buddy, you watch over your big brother, he gets in big trouble a lot. Keep him out of trouble." I ruffle his hair then I walk away from the car. The window rolls down in the front. To show John Winchester.

"You're (Y/N) (Y/L/N), (Your Dad Name) (Y/L/N)'s daughter aren't you?" I nod my head.

"Yes sir."

"I'm sorry for your loose." He says.

"Thank you sir."

"Pleasure meeting you (Y/N)."

"Pleasure meeting you too sir." My father always told me to say Sir and Ma'am when talking with people.

The car drives off. I catch a glimpse of Dean staring at me as the car leaves. I go inside the house and I lay down on my bed and curl up in a ball, little did I know Sammy kept true to keeping his brother out of trouble and that they both would be back many years from now. Sonny wanted to adopt me as his own daughter, I said I couldn't be his, he said that was perfectly fine, when I was 18 I stopped actually being good at school if you wanted to find me, you'd find me with Xavier and Adam smoking weed under the bleachers or skipping school walking around in the woods smoking, we weren't the best at school. 

But Adam got accepted into the college he wanted to go too, I was going to a club with all the guys, we wanted a night to ourselves before we all went our own way, which meant, we had to party till we were sick, I put on black cutoff jeans, I wore a tank top that popped out my chest, we all went out, we were only 18 but they let us in because we looked older than we actually were and plus the bouncer was our friend Peter. I was dancing and grinding with some guy that goes to our school we were both drunk, then I ended up dancing and grinding on Adam the rest of the night, we were all wasted except for Adam when we walked home. Adam's arm was around my waist keeping me from falling.

I was laughing at some stupid joke he had said. We walked into the house Adam came upstairs to my room, we made out for a little bit, he stopped himself saying he couldn't do this, I said that was fine, then I fell asleep, we all woke up with the worst hangovers ever. Sonny laughed at all of us, Xzavier disappeared not to long after that day, we all didn't laugh or talk as much as we did we were all worried about Xzavier, I tried my hardest to find him, I became close to him, seeing how he was my boyfriend a little bit, but we broke up because he became distant... We never did find out what happened to him. 

((AN- I'm so sorry about how choppy this all sounds, I never planned for this story to come onto wattpad till one of my friends gave me the idea, so here it is, I didn't know how to split it up, I just split up the chapters where it felt right! But I'm so sorry, this is a story I have had in my google docs for years anyways sorry again!))

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