Chapter 15- The Wedding.

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It was finally the day. Me and Dean Winchester were finally getting married, I was about to become (y/n) Winchester. This was the day I have been dreaming about for many years. I smiled to myself, Jo and Ellen were talking with them selves, while doing my hair. I was looking at myself in the mirror, all I could see in the mirror was many years ago when I was getting ready for the dance Dean and I were supposed to go to, the night he left.

*Flash Back*

"You excited for tonight? I hear Dean is really cleaning himself up for you tonight." Sonny was standing behind doing my hair, one of the other boys was in there cleaning up my converses, the shoes I wanted to wear so badly, even if other girls would laugh, I can't wear heels. I looked at Sonny in the mirror smiling. When he finished my hair I went to see Dean, to see if he needed help with his tie. He was messing with it, but it was crocked, I laughed a bit and fixed it, when I looked up, I could see this look in his eyes, the look only I get, I blushed a bit, before looking away. 

"You're beautiful, I can't wait to actually go to a dance, I've never been to one, this is gonna be amazing!" Dean says, I hold back a laugh, he was like a little kid in the candy store, and that's when Sonny came in and the whole thing came crashing down. 

*Flash Back Over*

"(Y/N), are you even listening to us?" Jo asks. 

"Huh? Sorry, was day dreaming." I say a nervous blush coming to my cheeks. 

"I said, are you ready for your dress now darling?" Ellen asks. I nod my head and stand up, I turn to see my dress, I smile, they help me into it, I almost start to cry at how I look in the dress. Jo smiles at me, even though she had a crush on Dean for a short time, she was happy to see him settle down, and hopefully leave the hunting life, but we will see how well that lasts. 

"Knock, Knock, the father of the bride to be would like to come in

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"Knock, Knock, the father of the bride to be would like to come in." I laugh a bit and Sonny comes in, Bobby behind him, they both looked nice, I smiled at them, Sonny's eyes widened, he put a hand to his mouth. 

"You. Look gorgeous sweetie,that idjit Dean is gonna drop dead when he sees you." Bobby says. I laugh a bit. 

"Hopefully he doesn't not until after we are married. I paid to much for this dress and wedding, someone is gonna be getting married." Sonny says. I laugh a bit and slap his shoulder. 

"Dad! Come on now." I say and shake my head. 

"Well, it's time, are you ready to take your places?" Sonny asks. People nodded then go into their spots in the line. Jo was my maid of honor, Ellen and Charlie were my bridesmaid. Jo was walking with Sam. Ellen was walking with Bobby, and Charlie was walking with Castiel. I was walking with Sonny. We were last. He looked at me, the others had walked through, taking their spots, he held my arm and looked at me. 

"You ready?" He says to me. 

"Don't let me fall." I say with a shaky breath. 

"Never says." He puts his arm out so I can put mine through, the song plays and people stand up, I was smiling widely as soon as I saw Dean, he was fixing his tie, and then his eyes filled up with love, I could see a tear roll down his cheek. I looked down, when we finally got there Sonny let go of me handing me over to Dean kissing my cheek. 

"You look beautiful." Dean whispers out. 

"You clean up well Winchester." I say with a smirk. He chuckles, the priest stares, then it gets to the vows. 

"The couples have prepared their own vows. Dean." The priest says. Dean nods his head, I could tell he was nervous. 

"We were just teenagers when we met, you called me green eyes, as if I was the only one there with green eyes. Man you were breath taking back then, still are to this day, you were always so focused on everyone else, and worrying about everyone else, you didn't worry about yourself, which left me to do it, and man was I glad you let me be the one to take care of you for the short time we had before we were ripped apart, it was years later when I got you back into my life, we had some rough patches, but I never once stopped loving you, so now here I am, in a tux, about to marry the girl of my dreams, and the only thing I can think of is, 'Follow me Green eyes.' From that day forward, I knew I'd follow you anywhere." During his vow, I was tearing up, at the end I was crying, Dean had a few tears as well, I glanced to the audience. 

"Don't think I can top that." Everyone laughed and I looked back at Dean. "So, green eyes," that got a chuckle out of him. "It was an interesting day that day when we met, the way you didn't question what I said, or anything, you just followed and went with it, for all you knew I could've been some psycho, but you seemed to trust me, endlessly, the day we were ripped apart, I saw Sammy, man that kid was something else, with his short hair, now he's like thor, but Winchester Thor." Everyone laughed at that. "Dean, I never stopped loving you, or thinking about you, no matter how far apart we were, no matter what we went through, you were my rock, my green eyes, my Winchester, and I knew when I met you, that you would be mine, I could tell by the way you smiled, and looked at me, so Green eyes, I love you." He was crying a bit more. 

" Do you Dean take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?" The priest says. 

"I do." Dean says smiling. 

"Do you (y/n) take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?" 

"I do."

"May I please have the rings?" Sam hands them to priest. Which was Chuck (did I mention that? We have god officiating our wedding, only hunters can say that one)

"Dean, placing the ring on (y/n)'s finger, repeat after me." He says. 

"I Dean, give you this ring, as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you." Dean says slipping the ring on my finger. Then chuck turns to me. 

"(y/n), placing the ring of Dean's finger, repeat after me." 

"I (y/n), give you this ring as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you." I say slipping the ring on his finger. 

"And now, having entered into the covenant of marriage by the exchanging of vows and the giving and receiving of rings, by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." 

"Don't mind if I do." Dean says grabbing my hips pulling me close and kissing my lips deeply, everyone cheers and claps, we pull back from the kiss and turn to our friends and family. 

"It is with honor to announce Mr and Mrs Winchester!" Chuck says. 

Me and Dean run down the aisle holding hands, people cheering behind us, he had decorated baby for us to drive off in to head to the reception, we get in and I wave as Dean starts baby up as we drive off, I hold Deans hand leaning over to kiss his cheek. 

"I love you Green eyes." I say. 

"I love you too Mrs. Winchester." Dean says. I smile and lay my head on his shoulder, this was a good day, and I was happy to have shared it with friends and family. 

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