Chapter 12 - The Concert

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I was in the barn playing my guitar. I was singing quietly. Brock was cleaning up while I was playing the guitar. He was listening, a smile forming to his lips, every now and then when I hit a high note. A frown to his lips when he didn't like a lyric I sang because it upset him. I finished and he nodded his head.

"Are you gonna sing that at the concert?" He asks.

"Yeah, why, is it bad?" I ask with the tilt of my head.

"Because, I like it and not it not bad, is it about Dean?" He asks. I tense up at the question.

"Yes." I say with a small smirk. Brock nods his head.

"Well, I'll leave you to practice, I'll be inside." Brock says. I Nod my head. I went back to playing the guitar this time singing a song for Mindy. I closed my eyes leaning back against the wall. I let out a shaky breath. I hear my phone go off and it was Kevin. I picked up my phone and I answered his call.

"Hey." I say, standing up putting my ear to my shoulder to hold my phone.

"Hey, I was wondering when your concert is." He says.

"It's at 7:30 on Friday." I say. It was Wednesday now.

"Alright, I'll be there." He says.

"Alright, see you then, goodbye Kevin." I say.

"Bye (Y/N)." He says then we hang up. I walk inside. Colin, Brock, and Dylan were sitting playing 'Sorry'. I sit down where the red was.

"Join in, you haven't played with us." He says. I nod my head.

"Alright, I'll join." I say. I pick the pieces up putting them in the place, we all start over. I started to win, so far me and Brock were winning against Colin and Dylan. I let out a laugh when Dylan yelled about Brock cheating, they were arguing about Brock cheating. Colin and I sighed.

"Oh shut up will ya? It doesn't matter, now shut up." Colin says. I let out a little chuckle. Brock and Dylan's eyes were wide, Colin maybe the youngest, but he has an attitude. I laughed a bit.

"Are you guys being nice to each other?" I hear Dad ask as he walks in.

We all nod our heads, last time we said we weren't getting along, Dad made us all hold hands for 1 hour, while saying why we love each other. I was laughing a bit. Dad nods his head then gets a cup of his coffee, then leaves the room ruffling Brock's hair as he passes by. I laughed as Brock fixed his hair. We all went back to playing. I had my eyes focused on the door; I swear I saw a Chevy Impala drive out of the driveway. I shrug not paying much attention. We all had fun, I ended up winning. Later that week, I was getting ready for my concert. I had on my black ripped jeans, a white tank top, with Dean's letterman jacket on. I was setting up my microphone. 

I peeked out of the curtain to see Dean, Sam, my brothers, and my dad Sonny sitting there in the front row, my eyes were wide. I looked at my friend Zander, who was sitting at the drums, he was wearing the same thing I was wearing, but it was his own letterman jacket, I had 'D.W' on mine and Zander's had 'Z.D' on his. The curtain went up after we were situated. Dean's eyes widen when he saw the letterman jacket. I started to strum a few strings on my guitar. Then I started to sing.

"See you calling again; I don't wanna pick up, no oh. I've been lying in bed, probably thinking too much, oh oh. Sorry I'm not sorry for the times, I don't reply, you know the reason why. Maybe you shouldn't have come back; maybe you shouldn't have come back to me. Tired of being so sad, tired of getting so mad, baby stop right now, you'll only let me down, oh oh. Maybe you shouldn't have come back; maybe you shouldn't have come back to me. Trying not to forget should be easier than this oh oh, and all the birthdays you've missed. I was only a kid oh oh, sorry I'm not sorry for the times I don't reply, you know the reason why. Maybe you shouldn't have come back; maybe you shouldn't have come back to me. Tired of being so sad, tired of getting so mad, baby, stop right now, you'll only let me down, oh oh. Maybe you shouldn't have come back; maybe you shouldn't have come back to me, to me. Sorry I'm not sorry for the times. Maybe you shouldn't have come back; maybe you shouldn't have come back to me. Tired of being so sad, tired of getting so mad, baby stop right now, you'll only let me down, oh oh. Maybe you shouldn't have come back; maybe you shouldn't have come back to me. Baby you shouldn't have come back to me.

Everyone stood up clapping. I was blushing deeply. Dean's eyes were trained on me. I looked at the ground smiling. Zander and I played more songs, happier songs. Everyone was in love with the songs with played. Zander had his arm around my shoulder as we walked and laughed. I punched him in the side softly. He chuckled a bit.

"You're getting Weaker (Y/L/N); need to step up your game." Zander says. I laughed leaning against him more, Zander is my gay friend. Zander kissed my forehead then ruffled my hair

"Stop you're messing up my hair!" I shriek pulling away.

"Darling, please." Zander says. I fix my hair with a huff.

"I'm not 16 anymore Zander, stop treating me like a baby." I say with a grumble.

"Alright, well I better go find my boyfriend, I'll see you later, and do something about the birds nest you call hair." He says walking away.

"Oh go suck a dick." I yell.

"Will do honey!" He yells back while leaving me standing there. I let out a sigh.

"(Y/N)?" I turn quickly to see Dean standing there. I cross my arms.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"I..." He starts.

"(Y/L/N)! Let's go! We're going clubbing." I turn my attention to see Zander, his boyfriend Brad, and standing there was Adam, Dean's and Sam's half-brother.

"I gotta go, you know where I live." I say running to catch up with my friends.

Adam puts his arm around me pulling me against his side as we walk. I glance behind me to see my brothers, Dean, Sam, and my dad watching us leave. I focused my attention back on my friends. We get into the car, where I changed into tighter jeans, a tighter shirt. We get to the club, Zander and Brad hold hands. Adam and I walk and talk, my shoes making noises as I walk. We get into the club I go to the bar and order some shots of vodka; the bartender just gives me the vodka bottle. I noticed the bartender was Peter. I smiled at Peter.

"Didn't think you still worked here." I say loud over the music.

"Gotta make sure my friends get drunk if they want." Peter says.

I drink the vodka, he then puts it under the counter for me to come back and get. I walked over to the dance floor. Adam was behind me his hands on my hips. We danced together, me grinding against him; he pulled me closer to him. We stopped dancing; knowing that if we danced more things would get out of control. I asked Zander to unlock the car so I can grab my things. He said of course. I grabbed the letterman jacket and my other clothes. I put my clothes in a bag that Zander had, he told me to keep it. I put my letterman on and walked to the house, it was a good hour walk from here to there. I walked and started to think about Dean, how when we were younger, we were inseparable. I heard a car slow down next to me, oh great. I turned my head; I saw it was the impala. Dean got out of the car. I looked up at him, he smiled at me.

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