Chapter 14 - Will You Marry Me?

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((Time Skip- There is like a year or two time jump in between chapter 14, and 13, you and Dean have been dating for a while, you all are at the bunker and your family house in Texas anyways yeah! And By the way this one is short sorry!))

I was sitting in my room, Sam was out jogging. Dean was snoring in the bed. I walked over to the balcony doors. I swung open the doors; my curtains blew back in the low breeze. I stepped onto the balcony. I was wearing shorts and a tank top. It was summertime in Texas. I saw Sam jogging up the driveway. I laughed a bit. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I leaned back. I knew Dean's touch from anywhere. I smiled.

"Good morning beautiful." Dean says in his raspy sleepy voice. I almost moan at how sexy his voice is, I turned and kissed him on the lips. He kissed back.

"Good morning cutie." I say with a giggle and I poke his nose. I walked back inside.

"Dean! (Y/N)! I got the mail!" Sam yells from downstairs. I walked downstairs into the kitchen. Sam was standing there drinking water and sweating. He was shirtless and had shorts on. I picked up the mail.

"Thanks Sammy." I say. He smiles.

I sit down in a chair at the island in the kitchen. I was busy reading my mail that I didn't even notice Sam and Dean had walked off. I set my mail down. It was a letter from Timmy, saying how he misses me and how his life is going and how he will see me soon enough. I looked up to see Sam and Dean gone.

"Dean? Sam?" I yell into the house.

I don't hear a response from them. Well they weren't kidnapped because then I would've been taken too. I got up from the chair and walked around. I kept looking around for them. I reach the back door that leads the outdoor pool, it was slightly opened. I opened the door more; standing there was Sam, Jo, Bobby, Ellen, Jody, Garth, Charlie, Sonny, Timmy, Maxwell, Radek, Jacob, and Adam standing there. I looked at them eyes wide. They were all holding roses. There were rose petals on the ground leading towards a white tent that you see at outdoor weddings. I walked past each of them as they handed me roses and smiled. Jo was almost tears. I gave her a hug before she sent me on my way. I walked to the tent. I got inside; standing in the middle of a purple rose petal heart was Dean. I was almost to tears. I walked forward and stepped into the heart.

"(Y/N), I've known you since I was 16, you never left my mind, not once, not even when we were miles apart, or even when I was in some bar trying to drink you away. I loved you since I first laid eyes on you. I fell for you laugh, your smile, your eyes. I fell for you. Now, I'm asking you, will you make me the happiest guy in the world," He got down on one knee and held out a small box and opened it with a ring inside. I gasped and covered my mouth with the hand I was holding the flowers. "(Y/N) Deanna (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), Will you marry me?" I nod my head.

"Yes, of course I'll marry you." He stands up putting the ring on my finger then picks me up and spins me around. I wrapped my arms around him. He set me down and rested his forehead against mine.

"I'm glad you said yes." He whispers.

"I'm glad you asked." I say with a small smile. He kisses me deeply. I kissed back. We pulled back, everyone was cheering for us. I was laughing and crying happy tears. Dean and I were getting married. I can't believe it. Dean, the boy I've been in love with since I was 16, just asked me to marry him. The boy that was my first love was now gonna be my last, I was finally happy. Nothing could change this, we were gonna get married and try to live a normal life. 

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