Chapter 9

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**Emily's Pov**

The night consisted of watching the Spongebob movie, Finding Nemo, and some YouTube videos. Everyone decided to sleep downstairs and they told me to sleep over. We're watching one of my older videos when I was back home and it was the one of me and my dad when he was coming home from the military. I still remember that day and I remember the day that he left again.

My head is on Jonah's chest and my legs are on Zach. Zach keeps sending Jonah death stares as if he's doing something wrong. Jonah is like my big brother that's here whereas my older brother is in Chicago with his wife. My brother and I are close, but lately he hasn't been able to talk because he's also joining the military. Corbyn is the friend that I need when I need to rant to or if I need some fun. Daniel is also my brother and seems protective just like Jonah. Jack is going to be one of my best friends because we keep thinking the same things like which movies to watch and what food to eat. Lastly, Zach is well I don't know yet he gives me these butterflies which I don't understand why.

"Wait, I need to grab clothes from my place" I said while starting to sit up.

"You can just borrow my clothes if you want, I don't mind." Zach said getting up and then helping me up.

"Okay thank you" I said and Zach grabbed my hand starting up those butterflies again and pulled me into his room.

He tossed me a pair of sweats and a hoodie. I went into the bathroom and changed quickly. I had to roll up the sweatpants three times for them to fit and the sweatshirt went a little above mid thigh. I walked out to see Zach waiting for me. He looked me up and down and then grabbed my hand to go back into where the rest of the guys were. Jonah put in Wreck It Ralph and I started falling asleep a bit.

"Go to sleep Em" Zach said while pulling me into his chest and putting his arm around my waist.

I cuddled into his chest and started falling asleep tuning out everything else.

**Zach's Pov**

"Dude it's obvious that you like her and that she likes you so ask her out already." Jonah said while pointing to Emily who's asleep on my chest.

"I don't think that she likes me and I don't want to ruin our friendship besides we've only known each other for about a week." I said even though my feelings for her are very strong.

"Ok just know that we can tell that you feel the same way about each other." Jonah said the starting to fall asleep.

By now all of the guys are asleep and I started to slowly fall asleep.

**Emily's Pov**

I woke up to someone having their arm around me and looked up to see Zach sleeping along with the guys except Jonah. I tried moving his arm, but he held on tighter I kept trying to get his arm off, but gave up. I saw Zach smiling in his sleep so I decided to wake him up.

"Zach wake up" I told him.

"Five more minutes" he mumbled back.

"Nope come on I'll make you food." With that he sat up and started walking towards the kitchen.

"So what are you going to make me." He said while looking at me. Jonah's upstairs showering right now.

"How about some cereal and chocolate milk." I said while getting two bowls.

"You said you would make me food" Zach said putting the bowls away.

"Yes cereal is food and I can't cook so that's what you're getting" I grabbed the bowls again only for them to be put back away.

"Fine I'll make us food" Zach said.

I sat on the counter watching him grab the bacon eggs and pancake mix. He started making all of the food while I watched him. He quickly finished making us the food and set it down on the table with a chocolate milk for me and a water for him. He came back to the counter and picked me up while I was laughing and sat me down onto one of the chairs. I started eating and the food was delicious.

The boys walked in and tried stealing my food. That's never going to happen. I slapped Jack's hand away and he looked hurt. But, he tried stealing my food. Zach and the rest of the guys were laughing while I drank my chocolate milk.

I cleaned up my dishes and then I asked Zach to film the makeup video with me which he agreed to. Now, I can't do makeup never have, never will. So, Zach and I doing this video is going to be a disaster. I got the makeup set out and started getting the camera ready. Zach came in and looked terrified.

"Hi everybody, welcome back. And today I have a special person with me, say hi Zach." Zach then popped into the screen and took a seat next to me.

We proceeded to do the video with me doing his makeup and he did mine. We looked like we were applying for the circus and were about to join the clown family. We were both laughing at each other and started taking of the makeup.

"Thank God you don't do makeup." Zach said while looking at me.

"Why," I asked staring back at him.

"Because you don't need it you're beautiful without it." Zach said staring deep into my eyes. I covered up my face since I probably looked like a tomato.

"No don't cover up your face, you're cute when you blush." Zach said taking my hands off of my face. We then got all of the makeup off and were chilling on the couch. We were sitting there watching the movie when it started raining. Wait, how's it raining indoors. I turned around to see Jonah pick me up from the couch and started running towards the pool.

"Jonah! No!" I yelled then he threw me into the pool. I resurfaced and saw him laughing at me.

I stuck my hand out for help which he took and then I pulled him into the pool with me while escaping out of the freezing pool. Today is going to be a long day.

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