Chapter 36

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**Emily's Pov**

It's been about ten days and Zach and I have become closer and now he says that he thinks he wants me to meet his parents and siblings. We are currently on our way to Dallas, Texas which is where Zach is from.

I'm extremely nervous, but Zach keeps telling me that it will be fine and that they'll love me. From what he has told me, his brother and sister seem really nice and his parents seem very friendly. Although we are only spending a day in Dallas, Zach had a lot planned out for everyone to do.

Zach's parents were also nice enough to let us all spend the night in their living room to sleep in which will probably not go so well. We all are sleeping on the floor because if someone rolled off of the couch they could hurt someone on the ground which would not be good since we have to perform.

We're about one hour away from Zach's house and I can feel the butterflies starting in my stomach. I'm watching Spongebob and eating Chipotle while Zach is playing with my hair. He's also eating his Chipotle and I've already scolded him about almost dropping it in my hair.

"Zach I swear if one more grain of rice drops in my hair I'm going to dump this on your head." I threatened him. He immediately picked out the rice and put his hood on over his hair.

"We're here!" Jonah yelled to us.

I feel like I'm going to puke. Zach put his arm around my waist and we got our stuff then hopped out of the bus. Zach's family was waiting outside, Reese and Ryan immediately ran up to Zach hugging him.

"Hi Emily," Zach's mom and dad both greeted me.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I replied back they then went on greeting the rest of the band and hugging Zach.

"Hi!" Reese exclaimed in front of me.

"Hi Reese, you're cuter than Zach described you." I told her, she's absolutely adorable.

"Thank you, you're very pretty." Reese told me while giving me a hug.

See this is why I want a kid. Not right now. But in the future.

"So are you," I said while hugging her back.

Zach came by us and tried taking Reese away from me, but instead she held on tighter. Zach gave up and I gave Reese a piggy back ride inside while carrying my bag in. Zach then gave us a tour of the house and his mom made us dinner since it's 6:30pm.

We all had spaghetti and then Oreo's for dessert, Zach probably ate about twenty cookies.

We decided to build a fort with Reese and Ryan since they wanted to build one for us. While the boys were building the fort, Ryan asked me to go up to his room with him.

"Emily I know this might be weird, but I just need to know that you won't hurt my brother. He's amazing and you seem amazing, but please don't hurt him." Ryan said to me.

This is the cutest thing ever.

"I never planned on hurting Zach I can't even imagine how I would hurt him. To tell you the truth, he means the world to me so I promise I will not hurt him." I pinky promised Ryan and he gave me a hug.

We walked downstairs to see the fort almost completely built. Zach looked up at me and smiled coming over towards the stairs.

"What'd you two talk about?" Zach asked looking back and forth between us.

"Something that stays a secret." I said looking at Ryan.

"Um ok," Zach said seeming confused.

We helped build the rest of the fort and by the time we were done, the entire living room was taken over by our fort.

Everyone including Reese and Ryan climbed into the fort and decided to watch a movie. Since Reese was watching with us, we couldn't watch a horror movie otherwise Mrs.Herron would kill us.

"How about Finding Nemo," I suggested.

"Sure, Reese you good with that," Zach asked Reese who then nodded her head yes.

During the movie, Reese climbed in between Zach and I and fell asleep shortly after. I fell asleep towards the end and Zach fell asleep at about the same time.

When we woke up, I could smell pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, and hash browns all in one. I decided to wake Reese and Ryan up so that they could actually get some food before the guys.

When I woke Ryan up, he bolted into the kitchen and got a plate of food. Reese and I walked into the kitchen together and both started eating.

Zach woke up, then Jack, then Daniel, then Corbyn, and lastly Jonah. We all ate our breakfast and then got ready for the day.

We have about five hours before we have to go and get ready for our show, so Zach decided to show us around with his family.

Zach took us to all of his favorite places and Reese and Ryan showed us their favorite park. We had to head to the concert and Zach's family was also coming to see the concert.

**After the Concert**

We all went to say our goodbyes to Zach's family. Reese hugged me for a long time and Ryan also hugged me goodbye. Zach's dad too all of us to take care and gave me a hug.

"If you ever need anything, I'm here and please take care of my son." Zach's Mom told me.

"I promise I will," I said before we hugged.

All of us got on the bus except for Zach because he wanted to say his goodbyes to his family before we left. Zach's family was so sweet and caring. Reese is a younger sister for me and Ryan is my younger brother.

Zach walked on the bus seeming a bit sad when he flopped onto the couch.

"It's okay, you'll see them soon." I said and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you Em, I love you." Zach replied. He then put his head in my lap and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you too."

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