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**Emily's Pov**

Today is our last show for the tour and then we have to head home. Even though I'm extremely sad that Your is coming to an end, I'm still happy because I finally get to sleep in my own bed.

Zach and I have gone on more dates and have become closer than ever. We've both met each other's families which was extremely nerve wracking.

Our tour bus looks like a tornado went through it and surprisingly, all of my stuff is cleaned up and put away.

I'm doing my last act on stage which is just a q+a. My heart is beating faster than usual just because this is the last show.

I feel like I need to breakdown because I'm so happy and proud of everything that the boys and I have done.

I decided to have the last question come from a girl that looked overly excited to be here. "How are you feeling about this being your last show for this tour?"

"Honestly, I feel like I want to cry. Not for a bad reason, but because I can't believe that I've come this far. I never could have pictured this for myself and it's crazy the amount of ups and downs I've had. Thank you to everyone here for making this last one special." I said starting to tear up at the end.

I said my goodbyes and walked off stage. Zach was waiting there with open arms and hugged me while I was calming down.

"It's okay, were coming back. Please don't be sad cause then I'll be sad." Zach told me which caused me to start laughing at him a bit.

"Thank you. Now go out there and perform your heart out." I told him while giving him a quick kiss before he went to catch up with the boys.

Christina and I are watching them and we started filming a video for her channel. We decided to play never have I ever. I won, if that's even possible, but this girl needs to live way more.

"You need to live more. Do things that could kill you, but actually won't." I tell her.

"Wow thanks really inspirational," she shoots back making me laugh.

The boys are finishing up their last concert for this tour which is our cue to go and wait for them.

We head over and by the time we get there, they're starting to walk off of stage. Zach comes over and we hug. Christina hugs Corbyn while Jonah, Jack, and Daniel hug each other.

"Group hug!" I shout out to them.

Since Christina and I are the shortest, we get stuck in the middle. This hug feels like a true family hug.

When we break away, Jonah is tearing up along with Zach. We then got a call saying that we have to get ready to head back home.

Christina is coming with us back to L.A. for a week. The boys also invited me to stay at their house for a week. Even though I need some alone time, I couldn't turn down the offer since Christina is going to be there with me.

We all packed up our bags and got in two cars to head off to the airport. I rested my head on Zach's shoulder.

"I love you," Zach said to me out of nowhere.

"I love you too," I said back to him.

He leaned in for a kiss and so did I. The sparks and fireworks went off again.

These fireworks will never go away.

~•~10 years later (in spongebob voice)~•~

I'm sitting on the couch watching another Disney movie waiting for Zach to come home from the studio.

"I'm home," Zach calls through our house.

"Dad," Sam calls out to him.

"Hi sweetie nice to see you," Zach says to her.

Zach and I have two children and are planning to adopt a third soon. Sam is our oldest, he's three and a half, he never lets me forget the half. Then we have Taylor our little one year old.

The band is still making music, and they all are married now. Daniel ended up marrying a girl named Paige. Jack married a girl named Libby. Jonah married Chloe who is the sweetest person ever. And of course, Corbyn married Christina.

Everyone is happy now, the band is happy, the fans are happy, and i didn't know this was possible, but the fans have become better.

I'm still in social media and Zach and I now have a family channel while I still have my personal channel.

"What are you thinking about," Zach asked me.

"Just about how everything that ha sharpened between us. I couldn't ask for a better story." I told Zach.

"I know, everything is perfect in my eyes," Zach said laying down next to me.

"I love you Zachary Dean Herron," I told him.

"I love you Emily Herron," he said before giving me a passionate kiss.

The sparks are still here and they aren't leaving.

The end.


Thank you everyone who has read this. I love you all so much.


Instagram is audrey_mahome

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